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What is a CM93 chart?

What is a CM93 chart?

CM93 Charts. CM93-version2 Charts are different from the S57 vector charts, and has it’s own data structure consisting of a number of folders and files. To load these charts in OpenCPN just add the top directory to the list of “Active Chart Directories”. In the top CM93 directory is an empty file with the “.

How do I create a chart to OpenCPN?

Chart Files

  1. Add Directory. In OpenCPN charts are added by adding the directory (folder) that contains the chart files.
  2. Remove Selected. Mark the chart directories that are no longer needed, press the button an then “Apply” or “OK”.
  3. Scan Charts and Update Database.
  4. Force Full Database Rebuild.
  5. Prepare all ENC charts.

How do I download a CPN chart?

Open subfolders to see catalogs. Select any catalog you like by clicking the catalog description. After clicking the catalog you want, the “Chart Directory” will be automatically filled in. This is the directory on your computer where the catalog and the charts for this catalog will be downloaded.

How do I connect my GPS to my phone?

How do I enable GPS on my Android?

  1. Find and tap your ‘Settings’ menu.
  2. Find and tap ‘Location’ – your phone may show ‘Location services’ or ‘Location access’ instead.
  3. Tap ‘Location’ on or off to enable or disable your phone’s GPS.

How do I install GPS on my Android phone?

How do I download GPS on my Android phone?

What is the cm93 version 2?

MarinePlotter: About CM93 V2 CM93 version 2 MapTech’s C-Map CM93 version 2 is an unencrypted vector chart set which covers most of the world. The CM93 V2 is available for free download from various Internet sources. The CM93 data is arranged as groups of cells. A cell file name is related to the cell’s area of coverage. A cell’s

How do I convert cm93 version 2 charts to MCG files?

The MarinePlotter program can convert CM93 version 2 charts to the Mariner’s Cruising Guide MCG files using an xml-file format. The MCG xml-file format is a text file that can represent much of the IHO S57 objects and object attributes. The MarinePlotter provides an MCG editor that will enable you to correct CM93 errors.

Can I use cm93 charts in the marineplotter?

Although CM93 V2 is an old chart set, with errors and inaccuracies, the CM93 charts are still useful to many boaters simply because there is nothing else available to them or they act as a simple reference or aid to navigation. MapTech CM93 V3 or later are encrypted data sets. The MarinePlotter cannot and will not process encrypted data.

What is the cm93 vector format for Islands?

Some islands are simple triangles or basic shapes that indicate the land area but the coordinates can be slightly wrong. The CM93 vector format is a early version of the International Hydrographic Organization Electronic Nautical Chart Specification.

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