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What are combine soldiers?

What are combine soldiers?

In addition, they also serve as pilots and gunners of the Combine Hunter-Choppers. Combine Soldiers are humans that have undergone extensive modifications including, but not limited to, brain and chest surgery, removal of genitalia, and implantation of various mechanical devices in the throat and around the abdomen.

Are combine grunts human?

Unlike the Combine units in Half-Life 2, which appear to be completely stripped of their humanity physically and mentally, the Combine soldiers in Alyx seem to retain a great deal of their human personalities while having undergone much more physical augmentations.

Are Combine elite human?

The Combine Elite is a specialized, higher-ranking Combine Soldier. Sporting a distinctive white uniform and helmet with a single red ocular lens, the Elite is the deadliest of the Combine Overwatch infantry….

Combine Elite
General information
Type Transhuman elite infantry
Individual information
Health 70

Who voiced Combine soldiers?

Ellen McLain
Combine (Half-Life)

The Combine
Created by Gabe Newell
Designed by Gabe Newell, Marc Laidlaw
Voiced by Ellen McLain (Overwatch announcer)
In-universe information

How brutal are the Combine?

The Combine are frequently shown as cruel rulers over the citizens of Earth, suppressing dissent with brutality, policing using violence and using invasive surgery to transform humans into soldiers or slaves.

How did the combine capture G-man?

Five years before the events of Half-Life 2, the G-Man is captured by the Combine with methods yet to be specified and held in a floating prison called the Vault, which is powered by Vortigaunt energy to keep him contained. After he is freed by Alyx Vance, he pulls her into his dimension.

What do the Combine do to humans?

What exactly are the Combine? The Combine are an interdimensional empire that has occupied Earth for roughly the past 20 years. Their goal is to fully colonize our planet, strip its resources, force its residents into prison-like cities, and effectively exterminate the human race by suppressing our urge to reproduce.

Are Combine guards human?

The Combine Guard, is a part-human, part-Synth enemyand boss cut from Half-Life 2, and the direct successor of the Combine Synth Elite Soldier which the Strider (Warp Cannon), Overwatch Elite and Dog also stems from.

What is striders Half-Life?

The Strider is a large three-legged arthropod-like Combine Synth that stands approximately 15 meters tall or 50 feet. Introduced in Half-Life 2, they serve as the Combine’s main heavy ground assault unit.

What do the combine do to humans?

Why is the combine so evil?

Combines are evil because what they do differs from OUR own concept of good that we created by ourselves for ourselves. In the end we are a resource, and they are gathering resources. Just like we do. And all of us are so unique yet uniqueness of everyone is what makes us equal.

Posted in Lifehacks