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What is OCX file in VB6?

What is OCX file in VB6?

An OCX file contains a reusable software module, called an ActiveX control, which can be used within Windows software programs. ActiveX controls can be created for various purposes, such as user interface forms, webpage widgets, online games, and multimedia viewers.

How do I register a component in Visual Basic?

Open an elevated/admin command prompt (search for cmd in the Start Menu search box, right-click, Run as administrator) and try to register the OCX using regsvr32. If none of this works you might need to add the VB6 licensing keys to the registry.

Do you need to register OCX files?

Summary. When you distribute a Microsoft Visual FoxPro application that uses an ActiveX control (. ocx file), the . ocx file must be registered correctly for it to work correctly.

What are VB components?

The components of the IDE screen of Visual Basic. IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. The main functions include writing, compiling and debugging code, monitoring resources. The IDE in VB (Visual Basic) is ‘Visual Studio’.

What is Properties window in Visual Basic?

The Properties window is used to display properties for objects selected in the two main types of windows available in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). These two types of windows are: Tool windows such as Solution Explorer, Class View, and Object browser.

How do I know if OCX is registered?

– Go to Start > Run > Regedit. – Go to Edit > Find… and paste in the value. – Click Find Next to search the registry. Expand the entry and select the InprocServer32 key to reveal the full path to the OCX file.

What is the difference between DLL and OCX?

There is no difference. They are both dlls. You can rename a dll to anything and still load and use it using LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress. While technically correct, (an OCX is a DLL) that’s not a very useful answer.

What does OCX stand for?


Acronym Definition
OCX Operational Control Segment
OCX OLE Control Extension (computer term ActiveX file extension)
OCX Optical Cross-Connect (communications)
OCX Operator Carrier Exchange (telecommunications)

What are the 8 basic controls in Visual Basic?

Visual Basic controls

  • Text Box.
  • Label.
  • Button.
  • ListBox.
  • Combo Box.
  • Radio Button.
  • Checkbox.
  • PictureBox.

What are the four special values in Visual Basic?

There are, however, four special values: Empty, Null, Nothing, and Error,

  • The Empty Value. If a variant variable has been declared, but has not yet ( been assigned a value, its value is Empty.
  • The Null Value.
  • The Nothing Value.
  • The Error Value.

How do I register an OCX file in Windows 10?

How to Register a 64-Bit OCX

  1. Press the Windows orb to open the “Start” menu.
  2. Type the command “Regsvr32 ,” where is the full path and filename of the OCX file you want to register.
  3. Wait for a confirmation that the OCX was registered if you didn’t choose to run Regsvr32 in silent mode.

What is ComboBox in VB?

The ComboBox control is used to display a drop-down list of various items. It is a combination of a text box in which the user enters an item and a drop-down list from which the user selects an item.

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