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How is frequency-dependent wave summation achieved vivo?

How is frequency-dependent wave summation achieved vivo?

Explain how each is achieved in vivo. Frequency-dependent wave summation is dependent upon stimulation from the nervous system. Motor unit recruitment depends on the number of motor fibers available.

How is wave summation achieved in vivo?

Explain how each is achieved in vivo. Wave summation releases more calcium and increases the force of contraction by increasing the firing rate of motor neurons using one muscle fiber. Recruitment use multiple motor units, in order to increase the force of contraction.

What is the difference between frequency-dependent wave summation and motor unit recruitment?

Your answer: Frequency-dependent wave summation is dependent on stimulation rate by the nervous system. The motor recruitment depends upon the number of motor fibers available to be activated. If all motor units are activated, a threshold is achieved and cannot be further increase the generate contraction force.

How is wave summation dependent on stimulus frequency?

Frequency-dependent wave summation is dependent on stimulation by the nervous system. The number of motor fibers that available influence the motor recruitment.

What causes wave summation?

A wave summation is caused by muscle fibers being stimulated while the previous twitch is occuring. The second stimulus triggers the release of additional neuron reactors, which are added to the first, creating the wave.

Why does wave summation occur?

2) Wave Summation (a.k.a. frequency summation) and Tetanization- this results from stimulating a muscle cell before it has relaxed from a previous stimulus. This is possible because the contraction and relaxation phases are much longer than the refractory period.

What is wave summation?

Wave summation. Wave summation. Also called temporal summation. Phenomenon seen when another stimulus is applied to a muscle before the previous relaxation period is complete, resulting in a stronger contraction. May be due to greater calcium availability in stimulated muscle cells.

What is the difference between stimulus intensity and frequency?

What is the difference between stimulus intensity and stimulus frequency? Your answer: Stimulus intensity refers to the strength of the stimulus, whereas stimulus frequency refers to the rate of stimulus delivery to the muscle.

What is the difference between stimulus and stimulus frequency?

What is frequency summation?

In frequency summation, the force exerted by the skeletal muscle is controlled by varying the frequency at which action potentials are sent to muscle fibers. Action potentials do not arrive at muscles synchronously, and, during a contraction, some fraction of the fibers in the muscle will be firing at any given time.

What is a wave summation?

What is summation in muscle contraction?

When multiple electrical stimuli are applied to a muscle at a sufficiently high frequency, twitches merge into higher force contractions, a process referred to as summation.

What are two types of summation?

Summation is of two types – temporal and spatial. Spatial summation necessitates many excitatory synapses for adding up. Hence, it causes an axon discharge. It takes place in inhibitory synapses too where the contrary takes place.

What is wave summation and how does it occur?

What are the three types of summation?


  • Some generate excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) and others produce inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (IPSPs)
  • EPSPs trigger depolarisation in the post-synaptic membrane, IPSPs trigger hyperpolarisation in the post-synaptic membrane.

What is Wave summation?

What are the 2 types of summation?

Summation is of two types – temporal and spatial.

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