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How can we create database and table using SQL command?

How can we create database and table using SQL command?


  1. CREATE TABLE table_name ( column1 datatype, column2 datatype, column3 datatype,
  2. Example. CREATE TABLE Persons ( PersonID int,
  3. CREATE TABLE new_table_name AS. SELECT column1, column2,… FROM existing_table_name.
  4. Example. CREATE TABLE TestTable AS. SELECT customername, contactname.

Why we use CREATE TABLE command in MySQL?

The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table in a database.

Which MySQL command is used to create database?

mysql> CREATE DATABASE database_name; For reviewing the newly created database, you can use the SHOW CREATE DATABASE command: mysql> SHOW CREATE DATABASE database_name; It will return the database details along with the character set and collation for the same.

How do you create a table in a database in MySQL Workbench?

9.3. 1 Creating a Model

  1. Start MySQL Workbench.
  2. Click the + button on the right side of the Physical Schemas toolbar to add a new schema.
  3. Double-click Add Table in the Physical Schemas section.
  4. This automatically loads the table editor with the default table name table1 .
  5. Next, add columns to your table.

What SQL command is used to create tables?

SQL: create command. create is a DDL SQL command used to create a table or a database in relational database management system.

What is the command to create database?

The CREATE DATABASE command initializes a new database with an optional user-defined collating sequence, creates the three initial table spaces, creates the system tables, and allocates the recovery log file. When you initialize a new database, the AUTOCONFIGURE command is issued by default.

Which command is used to create a new table in a database?

What is the command to create database in SQL?

Syntax: CREATE DATABASE database_name; database_name: name of the database. Example Query: This query will create a new database in SQL and name the database as my_database.

How do you create a new table in SQL Server?

In SSMS, in Object Explorer, connect to the instance of Database Engine that contains the database to be modified. In Object Explorer, expand the Databases node and then expand the database that will contain the new table. In Object Explorer, right-click the Tables node of your database and then click New Table.

Which command is used to create SQL table?

create is a DDL SQL command used to create a table or a database in relational database management system.

Posted in Lifehacks