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What are features of pic18fxx microcontroller?

What are features of pic18fxx microcontroller?

The basic features of PIC18F-series microcontrollers are:

  • 77 instructions.
  • PIC16 source code compatible.
  • Program memory addressing up to 2Mbytes.
  • Data memory addressing up to 4Kbytes.
  • DC to 40MHz operation.
  • 8 8 hardware multiplier.
  • Interrupt priority levels.
  • 16-bit-wide instructions, 8-bit-wide data path.

What are the core features of pic16c7x microcontroller?

Hardware features

  • Flash memory (program memory, programmed using MPLAB devices)
  • SRAM (data memory)
  • EEPROM memory (programmable at run-time)
  • Sleep mode (power savings)
  • Watchdog timer.
  • Various crystal or RC oscillator configurations, or an external clock.

What is the size of program memory in PIC16F84A?

The program memory contains 1K words, which trans- lates to 1024 instructions, since each 14-bit program memory word is the same width as each device instruc- tion. The data memory (RAM) contains 68 bytes.

What are the memory modules in pic16c7x microcontroller?

PIC microcontroller architecture consists of memory organization (ram, rom, stack), CPU, timers, counter, ADC, DAC, serial communication, CCP module and I/O ports.

How many I O pins are there in Portb?

GPIO Registers

PORT Direction Register Number of Pins

What does Eeprom do?

EEPROM is a type of non-volatile ROM that enables individual bytes of data to be erased and reprogrammed. That is why EEPROM chips are known as byte erasable chips. EEPROM is usually used to store small amounts of data in computing and other electronic devices.

What is the size of program memory in pic16f84a?

How many types of PIC microcontroller are there?

Besides considering the four classifications of the PIC microcontroller that rely on the internal architecture, understanding the different PIC microcontrollers’ types becomes ideal before the design process. Classifications include baseline PIC, enhanced mid-range PIC, mid-range PIC, and PIC18.

What is PIC18F4550 microcontroller?

PIC18F4550 is one of popular Microcontrollers from the microchip technology, comes with a High-Performance, Enhanced flash, USB Microcontroller with nano-Watt-Technology. This is an 8-bit microcontroller popular among makers and engineers due its features and easy applications.

What are PIC chips used for?

PIC microcontrollers ( Programmable Interface Controllers), are electronic circuits that can be programmed to carry out a vast range of tasks. They can be programmed to be timers or to control a production line and much more.

Posted in Cool Ideas