How long can you be an AGR recruiter?
three years
Detailed Recruiter Service Commitments Upon successful completion of the Army Recruiter Course at Ft. Knox, KY, you serve three years as an AGR Recruiter while assigned to U.S. Army Recruiting Command (USAREC).
How do I become an AGR recruiter?
AGR Recruiter Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a US citizen by birth or naturalization (Non-waiverable)
- Must hold the rank of SGT through SFC (Non-waiverable)
- Must possess a GT/ST score of 95 (Waiverable to 90 GT with a 90 ST(TECH)
Are Army Recruiters considered active duty?
The specific requirements will vary by branch of military service, but in general, the profession of a military recruiter is a type of special duty that can involve finding active duty, Guard, and Reserve recruits.
What GT score do you need to be a recruiter?
Be a United States citizen by birth or naturalization or a permanent resident alien. Be at least 21 years old, but not more than 39 years old at time of selection (waiver authorized to age 45). Have a minimum GT score of 90 with a Skilled Technical (ST) of 90 (waiver authorized).
Does AGR receive BAH?
The BAH rates have increased an average of 5.1% effective January 1, 2022. Army National Guard Soldiers on active duty under Title 10 USC are eligible for Basic Allowance for Housing or Basic Allowance for Housing Reserve Component/Transit (BAH RC/T) if they are on active duty for 30 or fewer days.
Can you be a recruiter as an E4?
1. Meet the basic recruiter qualifications outlined in para 2-4, AR 601-1. (The minimum age of 21 does not apply to the E4 program. However, the maximum age is 25).
Do Army recruiters get Bah?
Recruiting personnel are often assigned to locations where housing costs are not documented and not fully supported by Basic Allowance Housing (BAH), and where military housing is not available within a reasonable commuting distance.
Do recruiters get a bonus for hiring new recruits?
Recruiters Want You To Land A Job (For Better Or Worse) (It doesn’t come out of your pay. It’s just an added expense for the company who hires you.) This often works in your favor. Since their bonus is typically 20-25% of your base salary, they’ll try to get you a great offer.
Do AGR soldiers get drill pay?
Members of the National Guard on state active duty do not receive drill pay, but are compensated on a monthly basis, as are their active duty counterparts, with Basic Pay.
How long does it take to get an AGR position?
The accession process normally takes between 30-45 days as this allows time for publication of the assignment order and completion of long distance in-processing. A technician is assigned to walk each Soldier through the entire accession process.
Do military recruiters get bonuses?
To entice recruits, those who sign up for a six-year enlistment in one of several high-demand career fields can get bonuses that total as much as $50,000.
Do recruiters get Bah?
Do recruiters have a say in hiring?
Recruiters and other HR professionals do not make hiring decisions. They can hinder or block you from getting hired, but they do not make the decision to hire you.
Do recruiters have a quota?
This has nothing to do with your profession, but whether or not they specialize in your area. In large recruiting firms, they hold their recruiters to quotas. These quotas cover anything from how many people they call per day, how many interviews they have in person, to how many people they hire.
Does AGR get BAH?
How long are AGR orders?
AGR applications remain active for one year. If, after one year, you have not received a position offer you must submit a new application.