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What is the most common Enneagram type?

What is the most common Enneagram type?

Enneagram Type 9 is the most common personality type according to studies performed by Truity and other reputable enneagram sources. Additionally, a study done by 9 Types shows that the Enneagram type nine was the most common score received among those who took their Enneagram personality test.

Which is the best Enneagram type?

Bringing everyone to the table and letting others be heard is the superpower of Type 9s, which makes them the most powerful type in the Enneagram.

What does an unhealthy Enneagram 8 look like?

An unhealthy enneagram type 8 can develop delusional ideas about how much power they have and begin to believe they are “untouchable,” in a sense. Because they create a false sense of being invincible, they over-extend themselves, which will result in a cycle of overpowering stress, burnout, anger, and fatigue.

What does it mean to be an 8 Enneagram?

Eights are defined by their desire to be powerful and to avoid any vulnerability. They present a confident, assertive, and decisive image to others. Eights can be argumentative and intimidating; it is important to them to stand up for what they believe in and to protect those who are weaker than themselves.

What is the hardest Enneagram type to be?

Enneagram Type Fours are self-aware, sensitive and reserved, and they may be the hardest type to understand. They are deeply in touch with their own emotions, as well as empathetic and understanding of others’ feelings. To anyone who isn’t a Four, they can seem distant, unsociable and moody.

What is the most toxic Enneagram?

Enneagram Nines at Their Worst: At their worst, Nines are so distanced from themselves and their own feelings that they are unable to accomplish much of anything. They refuse to face the problems that surround them, instead choosing to live in denial and distraction.

Who is the kindest Enneagram?

Type Two is known as the caring and interpersonal type. They are described as expressive, generous, self controlled, serving, and caring. If you are a type Two, you could do well in the following majors: Social Work, Pastoral Studies, and Global Studies.

Where do 8’s go Stressed?

When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), self-confident Eights suddenly become secretive and fearful at Five. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), lustful, controlling Eights become more open-hearted and caring, like healthy Twos.

Which enneagram is most narcissistic?

While all types may become narcissistic targets, the heart center types, Type 2, Type 3 and Type 4, are at particularly high risk….They seek and target people:

  • With high empathy.
  • Who are likely to tolerate their emotionally abusive behavior and/ or.
  • Who will make them look good.

Who Should an Enneagram 8 marry?

Enneagram Eight With Enneagram Three And the Three will take great care to make the Eight feel strong and respected.

What is the scariest Enneagram?

The Enneagram 8 Known as “The Challenger,” Eights are the type most likely to be called intimidating by others.

Which Enneagram type is most successful?

Type Threes are known as the Achievers of the Enneagram. Driven, ambitious, persuasive, Threes are interested in excellence, crushing their goals, and reaching their ideal level of success. However, their image-oriented personality can hinder vulnerability and authenticity.

Which Enneagram is a workaholic?

SP 3
The SP 3 is the most obvious workaholic from the standpoint of needing the work non-stop to get money or perhaps have a healthy lifestyle.

Where do 8s go in stress?

When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), self-confident Eights suddenly become secretive and fearful at Five. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), lustful, controlling Eights become more open-hearted and caring, like healthy Twos.

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