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What qualifications do you need to be a genealogist?

What qualifications do you need to be a genealogist?

Genealogical work requires a good basic education as well as a sound knowledge of social and local history sources both in original and digital form. Many genealogists have a history degree or a library or archive qualification. A knowledge of palaeography and some Latin is also essential.

Who is the best genetic genealogist?

CeCe Moore is one of the best known and most loved bloggers, Your Genetic Genealogist, in genetic genealogy. She is known throughout the community for her kindness and diplomacy.

Is genealogy a good career?

It is an excellent and rewarding career for those who have a true passion for it. While plenty of genealogists are content to keep their research work to their own family lines, there are some who become good enough at it (and enjoy it enough) that they decide they may want to make a business out of it.

Can you make a living being a genealogist?

The answer is, sure! If you have strong genealogical research and organizational skills and a keen sense for business, you can earn money working in the family history field. As with any business venture, however, you will need to prepare.

Which ancestry test is most accurate?

The aptly named AncestryDNA test stood out as the best DNA testing kit because it presents test results in a clearer manner than other services and places the ancestry information it provides in a useful historical context.

Can you make money doing genealogy?

Can I hire someone to trace my family history?

A professional genealogist can help you trace your ancestors. For example, a genealogist may be able to discover who your immigrant ancestors were and where they came from. Or, a genealogist can research one of your family lines back to a specific time period or individual.

How do I trace my family tree?

“In tracing your family tree, start by identifying what you know. Look through what records, including photographs and artefacts, you already have access to at home and other places. Gather all the information you have into one place.

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