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Does hydroxychloroquine affect the skin?

Does hydroxychloroquine affect the skin?

Cutaneous effects Blue–grey pigmentation of the skin affects up to 25% of patients taking hydroxychloroquine, especially where there has been bruising. Transverse pigmented nail bands and mucosal pigmentation have also been reported. Rashes may occur in up to 10% of patients, most commonly morbilliform or psoriasiform.

Does plaquenil cause dark spots?

Skin pigmentation related to use of hydroxychloroquine starts out as a yellow brown to slate gray or black pigmentation on many areas of the body – especially the front of the shins but also the face, forearms, mouth mucosa (essentially hard palace and gingivae) and nail beds.

Which drug causes skin to pigmentation is?

The main drugs implicated in causing skin pigmentation are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antimalarials, amiodarone, cytotoxic drugs, tetracyclines, heavy metals and psychotropic drugs.

Does plaquenil cause skin problems?

Rash, itching, and severe skin-related side effects Plaquenil may cause a skin rash or itching. It may also make your skin more sensitive to sunlight or other UV light. This is called photosensitivity, and it can increase your risk of getting a sunburn. Plaquenil may also cause serious skin-related side effects.

How is drug induced pigmentation treated?

Treatment / Management [3] In these cases, decreasing the intake of a drug can dramatically reduce the dyschromia present. Additionally, specific drug-induced pigmentation is avoidable by limiting sun exposure. These drugs include antimalarials, psychotropic, amiodarone, and tetracyclines.

Can hydroxychloroquine cause skin lesions?

Possible general side effects: Side effects are uncommon; however, a few people may develop one of the following: rash, indigestion, diarrhoea, headache, blurred vision, cramps or muscle weakness, darkening of the skin, or bleaching of the hair. Hydroxychloroquine can make psoriasis worse.

Can hydroxychloroquine cause skin darkening?

The development of hydroxychloroquine-associated cutaneous dyschromia is not so rare and can present as black, blue-gray or blue discoloration in photodistributed areas or skin sites protected from the sun [6].

What medications cause dark spots on face?

Certain medications can increase skin pigmentation and lead to dark spots. The most common culprits are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), tetracyclines, and psychotropic drugs.

Can hydroxychloroquine cause hypopigmentation?

Hydroxychloroquine is an antimalarial medication that can cause hyperpigmentation of nails, mucosa, and skin [1–5]. Retrospective studies cite the incidence of drug-related hyperpigmentation from hydroxychloroquine to be as high as 33% of individuals [6].

Is drug-induced pigmentation reversible?

Medical Care. The most important factor in the management of drug-induced dyspigmentation involves the identification and discontinuation of the offending drug. Most mucocutaneous pigmentation is reversible and spontaneously resolves with avoidance of the inciting drug.

Does hydroxychloroquine cause Lichen Planus?

Lichen planus is very rare in patients younger than 40 years old and children are especially sensitive to the effects of hydroxychloroquine.

Can drug-induced pigmentation be reversed?

Does drug-induced pigmentation go away?

Drug-induced skin pigmentation can become cosmetically disfiguring. In many cases, once the offending drug has been stopped, fading of the lesions occurs. However, the pigmentation may last a long time or become permanent.

What does an allergic reaction to hydroxychloroquine look like?

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction (hives, difficult breathing, swelling in your face or throat) or a severe skin reaction (fever, sore throat, burning eyes, skin pain, red or purple skin rash with blistering and peeling).

Why do I suddenly have melasma?

What causes melasma? There are two main causes of melasma: radiation, whether ultraviolet, visible light, or infrared (heat) light; and hormones. Ultraviolet and infrared radiation from the sun are key in making melasma worse.

Can hypopigmentation be reversed?

There is no cure, and it is usually a lifelong condition. The exact cause is unknown, but it may be due to an autoimmune disorder or a virus.

Is lichen planus same as lichen sclerosus?

The main difference between the two conditions is that LP has a propensity to involve the mucous membranes including the mouth and vagina which are rarely affected in LS. First-line treatment for LS is a super-potent topical corticosteroid ointment which has a high response rate.

How is drug induced skin pigmentation treated?

How do you get rid of pigmentation?

Chemical peels, laser therapy, microdermabrasion, or dermabrasion are all options that work similarly to rid skin of hyperpigmentation. These procedures work to gently remove the top layer of your skin where the dark spots lie.

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