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How do you become a youth soccer referee in NC?

How do you become a youth soccer referee in NC?

All new aspiring referees must complete the online work and pass the test and complete the on field training session in order to be certified. Referees must be at least 14 years old or within 3 months of turning 14. The 2022 Certification allows you to officiate the remainder of 2021 and all of 2022.

How old do you have to be to be a soccer ref in NC?

Clinics are required to help prospective officials become basketball, football, soccer, lacrosse, hockey, volleyball and wrestling referees as well as baseball, softball and field hockey umpires. To become a high school sports referee or umpire in North Carolina, you must be 18-years old.

What age can a 15 year old referee?

How old do you have to be to become a referee? 14 years old is the minimum age you must be to qualify as a referee.

How much do NC high school referees make?

North Carolina officials are paid a flat rate based on their sport. Football makes $76 a game. Basketball refs receive $91 for two varsity games while baseball and softball umpires make $71 and $68, respectively, for a game. “There is no doubt in my mind that officials are underpaid,” Basin said.

How do you become a referee in Michigan?

To become a Michigan referee, candidates must complete the Officials Guidebook exam and achieve a passing grade of 70 percent. This test can be completed online. Michigan football and basketball referees are also required to complete a mechanics exam to demonstrate their abilities during game action.

How do you become a football referee?

To start, you’ll need to register with your local County Football Association and complete a Basic Referee’s Course. The course is a mix of online and face-to-face training. You must complete the online learning and do safeguarding training before you complete the face-to-face module.

How do you become a teen referee?

The minimum age to start as a Youth sports referee is at least 16 years old. 1. The best way to become a youth referee is through approved boards which educate officials. You must be certified and every youth sports referee needs to attend and pass a referee’s course.

How long is a referee course?

The new FA practical refereeing skills course consists of 18 learning hours and depending on the location, this course could be held over a couple of weekend dates or during the daytime during the week at half term holiday dates for example.

What qualifications do you need to be a referee in soccer?

If you want to qualify as a referee, you will need to be at least 14-years-old, live in England and successfully complete the Basic FA Referee Course. To attend an FA referee course, you will need to contact a member of the referee development team at your local County FA.

What does a NBA ref make?

$180,000 to $500,000
How much are refs paid in the NBA? As of 2022, the average annual salary for an NBA referee ranges from $180,000 to $500,000, depending on experience, job title and the level of the game itself.

How much do soccer referees make in Michigan?

Youth Soccer Referee Salary in Michigan

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $53,205 $26
75th Percentile $40,239 $19
Average $32,891 $16
25th Percentile $27,720 $13

How old do you have to be to referee in Michigan?

New referees must be 13 years old at the time of registration.

How do I become a Michigan referee?

What games can a Level 7 referee?

Level 8, 7 and 6 referees are qualified to officiate only games in local league matches. Level 5 referees can officiate either at local level or on Step 6 or 7 leagues on the FA pyramid.

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