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How much does it cost to make Aliyah to Israel?

How much does it cost to make Aliyah to Israel?

Budgeting for Aliyah Menu

Single* Family*
Rent 1500 – 3000 4500 – 10000
Arnona (Municipal Tax) 110 – 240 500 – 750
Va’ad Bayit (building management feees) 0 -150 0 – 300
Public Transport 0 – 500 0 – 1000

How do I get Aliyah in Israel?

The Aliyah Process

  1. Step 1: Aliyah Application.
  2. Step 2: Interview with an Aliyah Shaliach.
  3. Step 3: Approval for Aliyah.
  4. Step 4: Obtain Your Aliyah Visa.
  5. Step 5: The Aliyah Flight.
  6. The Next Step: Nefesh B’Nefesh Services in Israel.

What documents do you need to make Aliyah?

The following is a list of the documents that must be submitted to process your Aliyah.

  1. Passport.
  2. Birth Certificate.
  3. Marital Status Certificate.
  4. Proof of Judaism.
  5. Official Passport Pictures.
  6. Supporting Statement.
  7. Photograph of Family Members Making Aliyah.
  8. Waiver of Confidentiality (one per family)

What are the benefits of making Aliyah to Israel?

Aliyah Rights and Benefits

  • Sal Klita. Financial assistance provided by Misrad Haklita (Ministry of Aliyah and Integration).
  • Rent Subsidy.
  • Health Coverage.
  • Arnona Discount.
  • Ulpan.
  • Tuition Benefit.
  • Customs Benefits.
  • Israeli Income Tax.

Can an American retire in Israel?

However, a growing number of senior citizens from North America are choosing to spend their retirement years in this country, mainly because their families are settled here. The State of Israel also offers Jews a few benefits if they “Make Aliyah” which means to return home.

How long do Aliyah benefits last?

The period of eligibility for rental assistance is up to five years from the date of receiving Oleh status. The level of assistance will be defined according to your family status, and the number of years you have resided in Israel. Please read the full article on rental assistance here.

Can you leave Israel after Aliyah?

Am I allowed to leave the country? Yes, you can travel right after making Aliyah, but you must have a passport or a one-time approval from Misrad Hapnim. See Obtaining an Israeli Passport.

Can you have dual citizenship in US and Israel?

The law prohibits dual citizenship with enemy countries; Members of the Knesset – or anybody who fills sensitive security positions – cannot hold dual citizenships, and; Dual citizens must enter and exit Israel with an Israeli travel document (normally a passport)

How long do I have to stay in Israel after making Aliyah?

90 days
90 days after receiving Aliyah status, an Oleh is required to travel with a Teudat Ma’avar (Temporary Passport / Laissez Passer) or an Israeli passport in order to exit the country.

Can you be a US citizen and Israeli citizen?

Dual citizenship is widely accepted in Israel. About 10% of the country’s population has dual citizenship. The Israeli Government, the Knesset, has never tried to fully restrict dual citizenship.

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