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What is a good push-up test score?

What is a good push-up test score?

How to Score Your Results

Push-Up Fitness Test Results
Excellent 54 or more 39 or more
Good 45-54 30-39
Average 35-44 20-29
Poor 20-34 12-19

What does the 1 minute pushup test measure?

Purpose: This test measures muscular endurance of the upper body muscles (anterior deltoid, pectoralis major, triceps). Muscular endurance is defined as the ability to contract the muscle repeatedly over a specific period of time without undue fatigue. How to Perform: 1.

Is 20 push-ups per set good?

If you can do only 15 or 20, not so great. But then again, researchers found that every pushup you can do over the baseline of 10 decreases the risk of heart disease. If you can only do 10 or fewer, you need to get to work.

Is the 1 minute push-up test reliability?

RESULTS: A Cronbach’s alpha reliability analysis of the entire sample revealed a high degree of interrater reliability for the push-up test. (α = . 987). CONCLUSION: Based on the results of this investigation, it appears that the push-up test can be assessed by different raters with a high degree of reliability.

What is the average push-ups for a 15 year old?

Average Number of Push-Ups: Adult Women Push-Up Chart

15-19 years old 11 or fewer push-ups
20-29 years old 9 or fewer push-ups
30-39 years old 7 or fewer push-ups
40-49 years old 4 or fewer push-ups
50-59 years old 1 or fewer push-ups

What is the average amount of pushups for a 14 year old?

For a 14-year-old to be in the 50th percentile, a boy had to perform 24 push-ups and a girl, 10. A score of just 3 for a girl or 11 for a boy was considered poor and put them in the 10th percentile. Percentiles aren’t considered at all at the Cooper Institute’s FitnessGram.

How many pushups is average?

Table: push-up test norms for MEN

Age 17-19 20-29
Good 47-56 39-47
Above average 35-46 30-39
Average 19-34 17-29
Below average 11-18 10-16

What is push up test?

The push up test measures upper body strength and endurance. In this test, the maximum number of push up performed at a rate of one every three seconds is recorded.

What is the average push-up per minute?

Average: 55-74 push-ups. Good: 75-99 push-ups. Excellent: 100-110 push-ups.

How much push ups should a 17 year old do?

How many push ups should a 18 year old do?

-24 push-ups
Average Number of Push-Ups: Adult Women Push-Up Chart

15-19 years old 18-24 push-ups
20-29 years old 15-20 push-ups
30-39 years old 13-19 push-ups
40-49 years old 11-14 push-ups
50-59 years old 7-10 push-ups

How many pushups can a 17 year old do?

How many push-ups should a 15 year old do?

Average Number of Push-Ups: Adult Men Push-Up Chart

15-19 years old 17 or fewer push-ups
30-39 years old 11 or fewer push-ups
40-49 years old 9 or fewer push-ups
50-59 years old 6 or fewer push-ups
60+ years old 4 or fewer push-ups

What is the average push up per minute?

What is the intensity of push-up?

With a regular push-up, you lift about 50% to 75% of your body weight. (The actual percentage varies depending on the person’s body shape and weight.) Modifications like knee and inclined push-ups use about 36% to 45% of your body weight.

What is being measured in 90 degree push-up?

The 90o push-up test (a measure of upper body muscle strength and endurance) was associated with cardiorespiratory fitness, anterior trunk muscle strength and endurance, and lower back and posterior thigh muscle flexibility in youth aged 8–12 years old.

Is 32 push-ups good?

The Bottom Line. Even though the experts point out that roughly 10-30 reps is average for most people, and that 30-50 reps is in the “excellent” range – let’s get something straight. The amount of push ups that you can do has very little to do with your age or gender.

Posted in Cool Ideas