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What is Texas A&M ring Day?

What is Texas A&M ring Day?

Ring Day. Aggies receive their Aggie Rings at a special celebration called Aggie Ring Day. Three times a year, thousands of Aggies, family and friends gather at the Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center to celebrate achieving an academic milestone by receiving their Aggie Rings.

How long does Aggie Ring Day last?

You’ll pull a Ring Ticket to determine your Ring pick-up time. Each Ring Ticket corresponds to 15-minute time slots throughout the day, so select an available time that works for you!

How many hours do you need to get a ring at Texas A&M?

Undergraduate and Professional School Students To be eligible to order an Aggie Ring as an undergraduate or professional school student, you must have: 90 total completed undergraduate or professional hours. 45 completed institution undergraduate or professional hours. 2.0 minimum cumulative GPR.

How much does an A&M ring cost?

Ordering an Aggie Ring: All of the information from pricing (Men’s start around $1000 and women’s are around$600 – new pricing will be available for the next ordering period) to the history of the ring, can be found on the Association of Former Students web page .

Why do Aggies ring dunk?

Ring dunking is one of the many customs that are unique to Aggies. The concept is said to have originated in the 1970s when a Corps of Cadets member dropped his Aggie gold in a pitcher of beer at the Dixie Chicken and decided drinking it was easier than fishing it out by hand.

How do I get a Texas A&M ring?

1. Follow step 1 on to check your Aggie Ring eligibility online. 2. If eligible, order your Aggie Ring online by 5 p.m. on the order deadline.

Are Aggie Rings solid gold?

It was solid gold with the letters “AMC” intertwined, for Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, along with four diamonds, according to Texas A&M: The First 25 Years by Lyman Hardeman. The early designs can be viewed in the ring collections at the Clayton W. Williams Jr. Alumni Center.

How many beers are in a TAMU ring dunk?

Since the ring dunk’s beginning in the 1970s, thousands of Aggies choose to christen their new piece of Aggie gold in a 60-ounce pitcher of their favorite — or least favorite — beer each year. However for some Aggies, the idea of guzzling over four beers at once is less than appealing.

What finger do you wear your Aggie Ring on?

right hand ring finger
The Aggie Ring is traditionally worn on the right hand ring finger.

What is the ring dunk at Texas A&M?

Why do Aggies hiss?

Rather than “booing”, Aggies “hiss” to express disapproval. Aggies are not supposed to boo as a “sign of class”, and are not supposed to hiss a fellow Ag.

How many beers is a ring dunk?

Traditionally, the pitchers hold four 12 ounce beers. Students have resorted to using fish bowls, gallon cowboy hats, and an assortment of other household items. “Supposedly, Young doesn’t like how the Ring Dunk makes Texas A&M look.

Posted in Cool Ideas