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What is the difference between GM-CSF and G-CSF?

What is the difference between GM-CSF and G-CSF?

In summary, although G-CSF and GM-CSF are molecularly cloned myeloid growth factors, their biology and clinical effects differ. GM-CSF has a much wider activity spectrum in animals and humans. In persons with lung infection and/or ARDS, GM-CSF may be a safer drug than G-CSF.

What is G-CSF for neutropenia?

A drug used under the brand names Neupogen, Zarxio, and Nivestym to treat neutropenia (a lower-than-normal number of white blood cells), prevent infection, and prepare the blood for the collection of certain types of blood cells, and under the brand name Granix to treat neutropenia.

What does G-CSF mean?

G-CSF is a type of growth factor. You might have G-CSF after chemotherapy to help your white blood cells recover after treatment. Or you might have it before and after a stem cell transplant.

What is G-CSF Mobilization?

Introduction. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) has been routinely used to therapeutically mobilize hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) to the bloodstream for transplantation for over two decades. 1.

When do you give G-CSF in febrile neutropenia?

For chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, G-CSF is administered until there is >1000 neutrophils/µl. For congenital neutropenias, the goal is to maintain neutrophil counts ~ 750/µl. G-CSF is well tolerated. Transient fever and bone pain are more commonly observed in those receiving GM-CSF.

Does G-CSF increased WBC?

G-CSF (granulocyte-colony stimulating factor) is a type of protein called a growth factor. It increases the number of some types of white blood cells in the blood. It can be used with chemotherapy.

Does G-CSF increase platelet count?

G-CSF administration induces an inflammatory process with endothelial cell activation. This is probably the reason why platelet volume increases after G-CSF use.

How fast does G-CSF work?

In addition to its proliferation- and survival-promoting activity, G-CSF treatment induces a rapid (within 4–24 h) and sustained elevation in absolute peripheral neutrophil numbers.

How does G-CSF mobilize stem cells?

G-CSF induces stem cell mobilization by decreasing bone marrow SDF-1 and up-regulating CXCR4. Nat Immunol. 2002 Jul;3(7):687-94.

When do you give G-CSF after chemo?

G-CSF is usually started 24 hours or more after your chemotherapy finishes. You usually have it daily. Your doctor or pharmacist will tell you how many injections you need. Some types of G-CSF stay in the body for longer.

When should I stop G-CSF?

Autologous transplants – Stop the G-CSF after 2 consecutive days of neutrophils >1.0 x 109/l. Note: Longer-acting Pegylated G-CSF is not approved for use in this setting.

How long does G-CSF stay in your system?

Simple pain relief You can also take ibuprofen up until 24 hours before your donation (which means on days 1-3 of G-CCSF, but not on the 4th day). You must not take aspirin; this is due to the fact it can stay in the system and affect platelet function for 7 days).

How long does it take for G-CSF to work?

This usually takes 5 to 7 days, although it can be longer. If you are having G-CSF before a stem cell transplant, you usually have your first dose 4 to 6 days before your stem cells are going to be collected.

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