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Do the Listing Rules apply to AIM?

Do the Listing Rules apply to AIM?

AIM companies are not listed, and are hence not subject to the Listing Rules.

How do you get listed on AIM?

There are no prescriptive eligibility criteria for joining AIM, however, a company must:

  1. Appoint a Nominated Adviser (‘nomad’) and retain their services for the duration of the time the company remains on AIM.
  2. Appoint a corporate broker and retain their services throughout the time the company remains on market.

What does it mean to be listed on AIM?

Key Takeaways. The Alternative Investment Market (AIM) is a specialized unit of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) catering to smaller, more risky companies. The companies listed on AIM tend to be smaller and more highly speculative in nature, in part due to AIM’s relaxed regulations and listing requirements.

What is AIM rule?

AIM Rule 26 is a regulatory rule that states that all AIM companies must have a website publicly available that includes information about the business including its location.

How much does it cost to list a company on AIM?

Joining AIM through an initial public offering typically costs between £400,000 and £600,000 a year, including adviser fees, while the price of membership comes in at around £100,000 per year. However, this is considerably less expensive than joining the LSE main list.

Does FCA regulate AIM?

The Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) From an AIM company perspective, it has powers to investigate disclosures made by an AIM company where they may be false or misleading statements and which (intentionally or recklessly) induce investors to trade or refrain from trading in the company’s securities.

How big do you need to be to list on AIM?

There is no a minimum market capitalisation for a company to be admitted to AIM, but most companies tend to fall within the £25 million to £500 million bracket. There is no minimum percentage of shares that must held in public hands, as is the case with the Full List of the London Stock Exchange.

What does it cost to list on AIM?

Why would a company list on AIM?

Places a value on the business. Tax incentives available for investments in AIM companies attractive to both individual and institutional investors. Enhances the company’s public profile. Gives shareholders the opportunity to realise all or part of the value of their shareholdings.

How long can aim shares be suspended?

The Exchange will cancel the admission of AIM securities where these have been suspended from trading for six months.

What is AIM Rule 15 cash shell?

An AIM Rule 15 cash shell is an AIM company which has divested of all, or substantially all, of its trading business, activities or assets and/or has taken action the effect of which is that it will cease to own, control or conduct all or substantially all of its existing trading business, activities or assets (AIM …

How long does it take to float on AIM?

How long does it take to float on AIM? With the large number of different parties and documentation involved, joining the AIM Market can take up to a year of preparation – sometimes even more. However, for those planning on floating as fast as possible, 14 weeks is seen as the minimum amount of time required.

Is AIM a UK regulated market?

AIM operates as a multilateral trading facility but is not a regulated market. AIM is a prescribed market and is also designated as a SME growth market.

Are AIM listed companies quoted?

Note that an AIM Company is not a quoted company.

Can I sell shares if they are suspended?

If a stock is suspended after it has been purchased, the investor will not be able to sell in the market, but will still have to pay for the stock. A friendly brokerage may roll over the amount due from you, but it is more likely that payment will be insisted upon.

What happens when a company delisted from AIM?

A delisting does not directly affect shareholders’ rights or claims on the delisted company. It will, however, often depress the share price and make holdings harder to sell, even as thousands of securities trade over-the-counter.

How long can AIM shares be suspended?

What is a reverse takeover in the AIM?

In essence, a reverse takeover on AIM is an acquisition by an AIM company of a target company (or assets) that is bigger than it or that will change the fundamental nature of the AIM company.

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