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How do I hide a page from the navigation menu in WordPress?

How do I hide a page from the navigation menu in WordPress?

Just go to any page you have and you will see a “Exclude pages from menu” box. Check the box to exclude the page when needed. As you can see both options provide you with a fast and simple way to exclude pages from WordPress menus.

How do I hide a page from the navigation menu?

Browse to the page you want to show or hide in the navigation. Go to Edit > Edit page properties. Under Change page properties, select Show in local navigation to display the page in the menu. To hide the page, unselect the checkbox.

How do I hide a page in WordPress?

To hide a page using this method, simply edit the page you want to hide. Then, in the WordPress editor, head over to the post settings and click on ‘Visibility. ‘ Clicking on Visibility will show you the visibility options available to you in WordPress.

How do I add a page to the navigation menu in WordPress?

Add a page to the menu

  1. Select “Primary Mega Menu (Mega Menu)” from the Select a menu to edit: dropdown.
  2. Click on the “Select” button.
  3. Check the box to the left of the page you want to add from either the “Most Recent” tab or click on the “View All” tab to search to find the page.
  4. Click “Add to Menu” button.

How do I hide a Web page?

How do I hide a page?

  1. Step 1 – Open the pages menu. In Website Builder, open the pages menu in the green bar at the top of your screen.
  2. Step 2 – Go to Page Information. Move your mouse over the page you want to hide until you see three small icons.
  3. Step 3 – Click Hide page.
  4. Step 4 – Check box to hide.
  5. Step 5 – All done!

What is private visibility on WordPress?

A WordPress private page and posts are not visible to the public. In other words, visitors can’t see the content even if they know the URL. It is only available for authorized users who are logged in to the Dashboard. This might seem contradictory to WordPress’ core function – content publication.

How do I hide my WordPress site from public?

To make your entire blog private, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your blog’s dashboard.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. From there, select Privacy.
  4. You’ll see three options: Public, Hidden, and Private.

Where does the pages menu appear in WordPress?

Go to the WordPress Dashboard. From the ‘Appearance’ menu on the left-hand side of the Dashboard, select the ‘Menus’ option to bring up the Menu Editor. Click the link Create a new menu at the top of the page.

Are private WordPress pages indexed?

Private pages A section of your site that can only be reached after filling out login details won’t be indexed. Search engines simply have no way to log in and visit these pages.

How do I hide menu items in WordPress dashboard?


  1. Upload hide-admin-menu to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Open Hide Menu from menu bar and then check or tick mark those menus that you want hide from admin bar.

How do I hide WordPress dashboard?

Hiding the admin bar for a user role Install the “Hide Admin Bar Based on the User Roles” plugin and go to Settings → Hide Admin Bar Settings → User Roles. Select the user roles you want to prevent from accessing the WordPress dashboard and save your settings.

How do I hide my wordpress site from public?

From your dashboard, select Posts and then click on All Posts. From there, you’ll see a list of all of your posts. For the one that you want to make private, click on Quick Edit. From there, look for the word Visibility and change the settings to private.

How do I hide my wordpress site from search engines?

This is the fastest way to hide your entire site. Go to Settings, scroll down to Privacy, and select whether you want your site to be Public, Hidden, or Private. Select Hidden to prevent search engines from indexing your site altogether.

Who can see private pages in WordPress?

How do you make a page private?

How to make a Facebook business page private on your desktop

  1. Click on “Pages” on the left.
  2. Select “Settings” at the very bottom.
  3. Click “Edit” next to “Page visibility.”
  4. Click “Page unpublished,” then “Save Changes.”
  5. Select a reason and click “Next.”
  6. Click “Unpublish.”
  7. Click “Close” to complete the process.
Posted in Useful advices