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How do you get data from a figure in MATLAB?

How do you get data from a figure in MATLAB?

You can get the data from a plot by accessing the XData and YData properties from each Line object in the axes.

  1. Make the figure containing the plot the current figure.
  2. Call the gca command to get the current axes within that figure.
  3. Get the coordinates from the XData and YData properties of the Line object.

How do you get a handle of a figure in MATLAB?

To get the handle of the current figure without forcing the creation of a figure if one does not exist, query the CurrentFigure property on the root object. fig = get(groot,’CurrentFigure’); MATLABĀ® returns fig as an empty array if there is no current figure.


Description. h = gco returns the handle of the current object. h = gco(figure_handle) returns the handle of the current object in the figure specified by figure_handle .

How do I use Findob?

h = findobj returns the graphics root object and all of its descendants. h = findobj( prop , value ) returns all objects in the hierarchy that have their property prop set to value . h = findobj(‘-not’, prop , value ) returns all objects whose specified property is not set to the specified value.

How do I extract data from a figure?

Extracting data from graph image

  1. Step 1: Upload the image to PlotDigitizer. Go to PlotDigitizer’s free online app, and upload the image by clicking or drag-dropping.
  2. Step 2: Select the graph type.
  3. Step 3: Calibrating the axes.
  4. Step 4: Extracting data points from the plot.
  5. Step 5: Exporting the extracted data.

How do you get xy data from a MATLAB figure?

Direct link to this answer

  1. h = findobj(gca,’Type’,’line’)
  2. x=get(h,’Xdata’) ;
  3. y=get(h,’Ydata’) ;

How do you get axes of a figure in MATLAB?

ax = gca returns the current axes (or standalone visualization) in the current figure. Use ax to get and set properties of the current axes. If there are no axes or charts in the current figure, then gca creates a Cartesian axes object.

How do you reference a figure in MATLAB?

How to refer the figure name in matlab

  1. plot(N_vec,1./Err(N_vec),sprintf(‘*%c’,colconds(loop)),’LineWidth’,5)
  2. hold on.
  3. plot(N_vec,1./ErrPV(N_vec),sprintf(‘*%c’,colconds(loop+2)),’LineWidth’,5)
  4. hold on.
  5. xlabel(‘Population size’,’fontsize’,20)
  6. ylabel(‘Error^-2 ‘,’fontsize’,20)

How do you get xy data from a Matlab figure?

What is an axes object in MATLAB?

Description. axes is the low-level function for creating axes graphics objects. axes creates an axes graphics object in the current figure using default property values.

What is a figure object MATLAB?

figure objects are the individual windows on the screen in which MATLAB displays graphical output. figure creates a new figure object using default property values. figure(‘PropertyName’,PropertyValue,…) creates a new figure object using the values of the properties specified.

How do you digitize a figure?

Digitizing is a four step process:

  1. open a graph,
  2. set the scale (coordinate system),
  3. digitize (automatically or manually), and.
  4. copy data to the clipboard, or. export to TXT, XLS, XML, DXF or EPS file.

What is Ginput?

ginput enables you to select points from the figure using the mouse or arrow keys for cursor positioning. The figure must have focus before ginput receives input. [x,y] = ginput(n) enables you to select n points from the current axes and returns the x- and y-coordinates in the column vectors x and y , respectively.

How do I use Gtext?

gtext displays a text string in the current figure window after you select a location with the mouse. gtext(‘ string ‘) waits for you to press a mouse button or keyboard key while the pointer is within a figure window. Pressing a mouse button or any key places ‘ string ‘ on the plot at the selected location.

How do you add a legend in Matlab?

Set the DisplayName property as a name-value pair when calling the plotting functions. Then, call the legend command to create the legend. Legends automatically update when you add or delete a data series. If you add more data to the axes, use the DisplayName property to specify the labels.

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