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Where is a 023 area code?

Where is a 023 area code?

Southampton, Portsmouth
023 is the area code for Southampton, Portsmouth, UK.

Are 023 numbers free?

Numbers starting with 03, 02, 01 Calls to 01, 02 or 03 numbers will come out of your inclusive minutes. When calling these numbers you’ll be charged an access charge and a service charge.

What area code is in South Africa?

+27South Africa / Dialing code
South Africa’s international country code is +27. This usually takes the place of the 0 in the 3 digit area code. For Cape Town’s area code is 021, you would dial (+27)21 and then the 7 digit phone number code.

Are 023 numbers free on O2?

03 Numbers – Ofcom has introduced 03 numbers as an alternative to chargeable 08 numbers – for example, 0870. Calls to 03 numbers will cost the same as other standard fixed line numbers (starting 01 or 02) and are included as part of any inclusive or free minutes allowance on O2 tariffs.

How do you tell if a phone number is a landline or mobile?

One of the easiest ways to check if a phone number is from a mobile or landline is to use a phone number validator. These tools are routinely used to check if a phone number is valid. Plus, some phone number validators will send a live ping to the number to ensure that the number is in service.

How do I find out who a phone number belongs to in South Africa?

Use a reverse phone lookup app to track a number TrueCaller which has over 50 million users in Africa from which 3.2 million users are in South Africa, is an app for smartphones that allows users to identify the names of a number that is not saved in their phonebook.

Do you pay for 0203 numbers?

0203 numbers are free of charge.

Who called me from 08000232635?

Moderator’s note: 0800 0232635 is a number used by the DWP for outbound calls in connection with the work capability assessment, including calls about your transfer from incapacity benefit to employment and support allowance (ESA).

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