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How long is recovery from a microfracture?

How long is recovery from a microfracture?

Recovery time can be slow. Many people can go back to sports or other intense activities in about 9 to 12 months. Athletes in very intense sports may not be able to return to their former level. People under age 40 with a recent injury often have the best results.

What is femoral condyle microfracture?

Overview. Microfracture is a surgical technique that has been developed to treat chondral defects, which are damaged areas of articular cartilage of the knee. It is a common procedure used to treat patients with full thickness damage to the articular cartilage that goes all the way down to the bone.

Can you bend your knee after microfracture surgery?

If the microfracture injury is on the patella (kneecap), then all motion must be limited with no bending of the knee for as long as Dr. Camille Clinton prescribes. This period typically lasts for approximately 4 – 6 weeks.

How soon can you walk after microfracture surgery?

Usually you are unable to bear weight on the affected leg for at least 6 weeks following surgery. You will likely require crutches to get around. Usually after an initial period of non-weight bearing to the surgical leg, you will be allowed to slowly progress back to normal activities.

How long does it take for cartilage to grow back after microfracture?

Depending upon the location of the microfracture and the size of the defect, it can take anywhere from 4 to 7 months to be able to heal to the point where patients can increase their activities and potentially initiate occasional impact activities.

How are microfractures repaired?

The loose or damaged cartilage is then cleared away leaving a bare bone surface. Next, small holes are drilled or punched into the bone to create bleeding. The idea is for a blood clot to form and fill the area where the cartilage defect has occurred.

Can you play sports after microfracture surgery?

In conclusion, articular cartilage repair in the athlete’s knee with microfracture provides a high rate of return to sport comparable to that of other common sports medicine procedures. Athletes are often able to return to sports participation at the preinjury level, even at the highest competitive level.

Why do microfractures fail?

Microfracture fails because the body loses the race between durable healing and repeated injury from weight-bearing.

What foods help repair cartilage?

7 Foods that Help Rebuild Cartilage

  • Legumes. For optimal joint function, it is important to beat inflammation wherever possible—inflammation is the primary source of collagen and, by extension, cartilage breakdown.
  • Oranges.
  • Pomegranates.
  • Green Tea.
  • Brown Rice.
  • Nuts.
  • Brussel Sprouts.

How painful is a microfracture?

Patients rarely have pain at this time, and this grating sensation typically resolves on its own in a few days or weeks. If a steep perpendicular rim was made in the trochlear groove, patients may notice “catching” or “locking” as the ridge of the patella rides over this area during joint motion.

What happens when microfracture fails?

When the healing is inadequate, pain recurs. Over time, in the absence of healing, the initial damage to the articular cartilage gets worse. This leads to post-traumatic arthritis, a loss of cartilage, and the deformation of the underlying bone.

Do you wear a brace after microfracture surgery?

You may be issued a brace depending on which part of your knee had the microfracture. You may not need a brace until you increase your activity. If you receive a brace, you may remove it to apply ice and to use the CPM machine, otherwise use as instructed by your physician.

How can I restore my cartilage naturally?

Stretch as often as possible. A simple stretch can help prevent stiffness in your joints and lubricate and nourish the cartilage with synovial fluid. Stretch exercises like yoga and pilates can help alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis and also strengthen your muscles to prevent further joint injury.

What vitamins help with cartilage?

Glucosamine (G) 1,500 to 2,000 mg/d and chondroitin sulfate (Cs) 800 to 1,200 mg/d and avocado-soy unsaponifiables (ASU) 300 to 600 mg/d, taken together or alone, are useful as adjunct therapies in cartilage disorders.

How do you sleep after microfracture surgery?

The best sleeping position just after your surgery is sleeping on your back. You should make sure that your operative leg stays as straight as possible to avoid hypertension of the knee and keep proper blood flow to the surgery site. If you are sleeping on your back, put the pillow under your calf and knee.

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