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What are the organs of a clam?

What are the organs of a clam?

The ligament provides tension to bring the valves apart, while one or two adductor muscles can contract to close the valves. Clams also have kidneys, a heart, a mouth, a stomach, and a nervous system. Many have a siphon.

What is a clams body cavity called?

But molluscs have developed a true coelom, an internal body cavity enclosed by mesodermal membranes. The coelom in molluscs, however, is strangely reduced to a small space around the heart, sometimes called a hemocoel.

What part of the clam secretes the shell?

The mantle, a thin membrane surrounding the body of the clam, secretes the shell. The oldest part of the clam shell is the umbo, and it is from the hinge area that the clam extends as it grows.

What holds clam shells together?

A hinge ligament made of elastic protein joins the two halves of the shell together, and large adductor muscles between the two valves hold them closed. When the shell is closed, the top part of the hinge ligament is stretched and the lower part is compressed.

Do clams have internal organs?

All bivalves possess a mouth, heart, kidneys, and anus, as well as a circulatory system.

Do clams pee and poop?

For example, clams release nitrogenous waste (urine) that can be used by phytoplankton as a source of nitrogen. In addition, some of the nitrogen filtered from the water by clams is deposited to the sediment as feces and pseudofeces (rejected food particles).

How does a clam pee?

The Excretory System of Clams And instead of an anus, clams have a body part called a siphon that opens to allows water (ingested during filter feeding) and waste products to exit the clam’s body. The areas circled in yellow are the feeding siphon and the excretory siphon on a horse clam.

What is protective structure of clam?

The soft body of the clam is protected from predators by a two-parted shell that is hinged. The shell is produced by a tissue called the mantle that is adjacent to the shell. The clam has a pair of very large gills, and the surface of the gills is covered with cilia.

Do clams have brains?

Clams don’t have a centralized brain like mammals. However, they do have a nervous system, giving them the ability to feel things and react.

How are the inner and outer surfaces of the clam shell different?

The inner surface of the outer fold contains five cell types while the outer surface of the second fold contains only flattened cells all of similar morphology. Intermediate cells lie between the cells of the two folds.

What is a valve in a clam?

A valve is each articulating part of the shell of a mollusc or another multi-shelled animal such as brachiopods and some crustaceans. Each part is known as a valve or in the case of chitons, a “plate”. Members of two classes of molluscs, the Bivalvia (clams) and the Polyplacophora (chitons), have valves.

Are clams full of poop?

Unlike the last story, the clams’ faeces are well-documented. Past studies have observed the routine release of undigested and photosynthetically functional symbiotic microalgae (Ricard & Salvat, 1977; Trench et al., 1981).

What do clams spit out?

Let the clams sit for 20 minutes to an hour. During this time, they will spit out the sand from inside their shells. When you’re ready to cook, lift each clam from the water and scrub it to clean any particles or grit from the outside surface.

Do clams poop?

Why do clams spit out water?

The siphon allows water to circulate in and out of the clam for feeding, breathing and reproduction. Harbor WildWatch naturalists partner with the clams to play a little joke on the kids.

Do clams feel pain when opened?

Yes. Scientists have proved beyond a doubt that fish, lobsters, crabs, and other sea dwellers feel pain.

Do clams feel pain when you cook them?

Crabs, lobsters and shellfish are likely to feel pain when being cooked, according to a new study. Jan. 16, 2013, at 6:00 p.m.

How do clams burrow?

Braced in the sand, the clam thrusts its fleshy foot downward. Then it squeezes water into the bottom of its foot, causing the appendage to balloon. So anchored, the clam contracts. The pocket of sand around the clam “fluidizes,” loosening up and reducing the drag on the clam, so the shell can slide down to the foot.

Do clams have sensory organs?

Senses. The sensory organs of bivalves are largely located on the posterior mantle margins. The organs are usually mechanoreceptors or chemoreceptors, in some cases located on short tentacles.

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