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What PHP stand for?

What PHP stand for?

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
What is PHP? PHP is an acronym for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor” PHP is a widely-used, open source scripting language. PHP scripts are executed on the server.

Is PHP coding or programming?

PHP is an open-source, server-side programming language that can be used to create websites, applications, customer relationship management systems and more. It is a widely-used general-purpose language that can be embedded into HTML.

What is PHP or HTML?


PHP codes are dynamic. HTML codes are static.
PHP is used for server-side programming which will interact with databases to retrieve information, storing, email sending, and provides content to HTML pages to display on the screen. HTML is used for specifying colors, text formatting, aligning, etc.

Is PHP same as Javascript?

Just like Javascript, PHP is an object-oriented and interpreted scripting language released in 1995. It was created for web development but now can be used as a general-purpose language. The main difference from Javascript is that PHP is a server-side language used for back-end and executed on the server.

What is CSS and PHP?

CSS represents the style and the appearance of content like font, color, margin, padding, etc. PHP is used for server-side programming which will interact with databases to retrieve information, storing, email sending, and provides content to HTML pages to display on the screen.

Should I learn PHP or Python?

Python is easier to learn, though PHP is not difficult. Python is a general-purpose programming language, and can be picked up very quickly. Python programs are much shorter and easy-to-write as compared to other programming languages and as a consequence, it has become a preferred choice for a lot of applications.

Can I make app with PHP?

You can even write Android applications in PHP now. The folks at Irontech have created a PHP port to run on Android, and with the Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A), you can build PHP Android applications.

What is PHP vs JavaScript?

PHP is server-side scripting language whereas Javascript is a client-side scripting language. PHP doesn’t execute within browser whereas Javascript executes within browser. PHP supports database whereas Javascript doesn’t support databases. PHP accepts both upper case and lower case variables while Javascript doesn’t.

Can you learn PHP without HTML?

Can I learn PHP without knowing HTML? It is not necessary that you need to know HTML before learning PHP. However, it is highly recommended to start with HTML and then move on to PHP, so it would make more sense for you to get the whole idea behind programming and building webpages.

Should I learn PHP or Python in 2022?

What language is better than PHP?

Python. Believe it or not, Python is now being used more than PHP in server-side development, and for good reasons too. The Django framework is currently very famous among beginners and professionals alike.

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