What zone is Cobb County GA?
Cobb County, Georgia is in USDA Hardiness Zones 7b and 8a.
What is r5 zoning in Cobb County GA?
Purpose and intent. The RA-5 district is established to provide locations for the development of affordable single-family detached or attached residential dwelling units, including the combination of duplexes, triplexes and quadraplexes.
What is R3 zoning in Cobb County?
In an R3 zone, no buildings shall exceed a height of 35 feet. Building height may be restricted to less than the maximum when necessary to comply with the building height transition standard in JCMC 17.20.
What is GC zoning in Cobb County?
The GC district is established to provide locations for retail commercial and service uses which are oriented toward automotive businesses, are land intensive with a need for major road access and visibility, are generally not listed as a permitted uses within the NRC (neighborhood retail commercial) and CRC (community …
What growing zone is Marietta GA?
Marietta, Georgia is in USDA Hardiness Zones 7b.
What is r15 zoning in Cobb County?
The R-15 district is established to provide locations for single-family residential uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within or on the edge of properties delineated for any residential category as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide.
What is a5 zoning in Georgia?
Section 501. – Purpose. AG-5 zoning districts are intended to establish and preserve low-to-medium density areas where agriculture is the primary land use. Residences, which may or may not be incidental to these activities, are also permitted.
What is r2 zoning in Georgia?
R-2 (Two-Unit Residential) Zoning District. The R-2 Zoning District is intended to provide for areas appropriate for a maximum of two residential dwelling units (i.e., duplexes) located on a single legal lot.
What is CRC zoning in Cobb County?
The CRC district is established to provide locations for retail commercial and service uses which are designed and oriented to serve several neighborhoods making up a community. Projects developed within the CRC district should be done so as compact unified centers.
What planting zone is Kennesaw Georgia?
Kennesaw, Georgia is in USDA Hardiness Zones 7b.
What are the zones in Georgia?
Georgia is in USDA plant hardiness zones 6-9.
What can be grown in Zone 7b?
Zone 7. In zone 7, cool-weather vegetables can usually be planted outdoors in early February. These crops include beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, onions, peas, potatoes, radishes, spinach, turnips, kale and collards. Plant corn in March.
What does R20 zoning mean in Cobb County?
The R-20 district is established to provide locations for single-family residential uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within or on the edge of properties delineated for any residential category as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide.
What is r4 zoning in Georgia?
R-4 four-family residential. The purpose of this district shall be to maintain dwelling. unit density to not more than 12 dwelling units per net acre of residential land in order to protect the property in this district from the depreciating effects of more densely developed residential uses.
What is a1 zoning Georgia?
The Light Agriculture (A-1) Zone is intended to ensure that the rural character of portions of the planning area is maintained. Typical uses in this zone include truck farming, field and tree crops, and low density residential uses.
What is a2 zoning in Georgia?
The purpose of the AG-2 (agricultural-2) zoning district is to protect and preserve agricultural land and its associated uses within the town of Taylor.
What does R1 zoning mean in Georgia?
R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) Zoning District. The R-1 zoning district is intended to provide for areas appropriate for a range of detached single-family residential dwelling units, each located on a single legal lot, and does not include condominiums or cooperative housing. C.
What does r2 zoning mean in Georgia?
What growing zone is Acworth GA?
Acworth, Georgia is in USDA Hardiness Zones 7b.
Where can I find zoning information in Cobb County?
Each of the County’s Cities’ regulates zoning within their respective city limits. To find information you can Search by Address at the top of the screen to zoom to an area, or use one of the options offered below for zoning codes. Descriptions for the zoning designations can be found in the Official Code of Cobb County, in Part 1, Chapter 134.
Where can I find information on in-home businesses in Cobb County?
Information on in-home businesses can be obtained by calling the Zoning Division at (770) 528-2035. Is this address located in Cobb County? You may locate your address using the Cobb County website online mapping tool.
What is the ZIP code for Cobb County GA?
There is currently one zip code in Cobb County with an Atlanta zip code – 30339. GPS users and delivery drivers have trouble finding my location. Can you fix my address in Google and GPS? Cobb County cannot force the companies who maintain these applications to refresh their data.