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Where can I find bucks in late season?

Where can I find bucks in late season?

5 Places to Find Giant Late-Season Bucks

  1. Small, Unpressured Pockets of Security Cover. As a deer hunting writer and editor, I’ve probably written the word “pressure” more than any other.
  2. Near Major (and Minor) Food Sources.
  3. Close to Open Water Sources.
  4. High Up on the Ridges.
  5. In Low-Lying, Hard-to-Reach Swamps.

Is Late season deer hunting good?

The nice thing about late season deer hunting is that you can depend on a deer’s stomach to get the best of them, much like hunting early season bucks. Dominant bucks especially need to hit food sources as much as possible to re-build their body mass and fat supply that was spent during the rut.

How do you hunt big bucks late season?

Don’t be afraid to hunt over a food plot in the late season. Mature bucks will be searching for green food sources. Don’t be afraid to think out of the box when trying to lure a big bucks within bow range. It may take a decoy, deer scent and a rattling bag to pull a whitetail within bow range.

Can you call in late season bucks?

Late season deer calling can be a game changer. Grunts, snorts, bleats and wheezes are all part of a deer’s vocabulary. Laying down a few grunts followed by a snort or two can get a big late season buck’s attention. He may think another deer is cutting in on his territory.

What time do deer move in late season?

Some people think that it only makes sense to hunt during the middle of the day during the rut but I’m here to tell you that late season also offers good daytime movement between 10am and 2pm.

What do deer eat during late season?

Soybeans. As with corn and other grains, beans are high in carbs, which makes them a great late-season food source.

Should I grunt in December?

The point is: Don’t worry too much about the tone of your grunt tube in October or December. During the rut, however, use a throaty, deep-pitched call; old bucks seem to respond to these best. Blow your grunt tube loud enough to get a buck’s attention. On windy days, you’ll have to bear down.

What is the best late season food plot?

Food Plots It’s a dream scenario for most hunters: having one of the best late season deer food sources around. But it doesn’t have to be just corn or beans. Other good late season food plots include grains (e.g., wheat, oats, rye, etc.), turnips, radishes, and winter peas.

Is corn bad for deer in the winter?

Although corn has poor protein, it has high carbohydrates. Whether it’s planted in a food plot, or fed at a feeding site, corn can be a great benefit to whitetails during winter. Most deer managers are more than willing to plant their plots in the spring and summer.

How do you attract bucks in late December?

Tuck into the edge of the bedding area If you know of a bedding area that holds plenty of deer or actively holds mature bucks, this is where those deer are now. A bedding area that is close to a food source is dynamite in December. As mentioned before, the bucks are exhausted, they need food and rest.

What do deer feed on late season?

Do Bucks still rut in December?

However, if one still has a buck tag in their pocket, the December rutting activity can be a great time to score a mature buck. You may be curious as to what exactly the second rut is. The second rut is when fawns or does who did not get bred during the primary rut come into estrus.

Can deer see you in a treestand?

More often than not, a deer will smell you before seeing or hearing you when you’re in the tree stand.

What is the best late season food for whitetail deer hunting?

While corn offers mostly carbs (useful to add fat on a deer), soybeans have fat and protein to help rebuild muscle tissue as well. They are two of the best late season food sources and you should try to include some on your property if you like the idea of late season whitetail hunting.

Is late season deer hunting a good idea?

The nice thing about late season deer hunting is that you can depend on a deer’s stomach to get the best of them, much like hunting early season bucks. Dominant bucks especially need to hit food sources as much as possible to re-build their body mass and fat supply that was spent during the rut.

Should you observe-and-move in December deer season?

This observe-and-move strategy is popular during early season and the rut, but doesn’t get a whole lot of love in the late season. That’s just wrong. When it comes to December deer, unless you’re a deep South hunter, you probably want to leave your rattling antlers and full-body decoy at home.

Do you regret what you didn’t see during deer season?

As the deer hunting season winds down, it can get a little frustrating or disappointing on a few fronts. You might be discouraged about the deer you did (or did not) see this year. Maybe you’re still regretting a decision to hunt a particular stand in the wrong conditions, which spooked a giant deer off.

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