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Why does India consider NPT as discriminatory?

Why does India consider NPT as discriminatory?

India maintains that the NPT is discriminatory because of an imbalance between the obligations of the five recognized nuclear weapon states under the treaty (the United States, Russia, Britain, France, and China) and the countries the treaty classifies as non-nuclear weapon states–i.e., everybody else.

Did India violate the NPT?

As mentioned, China exploded its first weapon in 1964, and India did so in 1974. Between those dates, in 1970 the NPT came into effect. Under its terms, China became recognised as one of the world’s five ‘weapon states’, and India was excluded from such status.

Is NPT discriminatory in nature?

In addition, for nuclear weapons states, the NPT is an undertaking to end the arms race and pursue nuclear disarmament. Critics say that the NPT is “discriminatory,” because it accepts five nuclear powers and freezes out all others.

Why has India not signed the NPT and CTBT?

In the past too, India has refrained from signing nuclear disarmament treaties such as the NPT and Comprehensive Nuclear Ban Treaty (CTBT), primarily because it feels they are discriminatory — while non-nuclear states aren’t allowed to have nuclear weapons, nuclear-weapon states have no obligation to give them up.

Is India signatory to CTBT?

The 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) has yet to enter into force because of the unwillingness of a number of states—including India—to ratify it. Although India initially participated in negotiating the CTBT, it subsequently walked out of the negotiations and has never signed the treaty.

Why did India oppose both NPT and CTBT?

Because of discriminatory nature: 1. India felt that these treaties prove the monopoly of five nuclear weapon- powers only and applicable to only the non-nuclear powers. 2. India opposed the indefinite extension of the NPT in 1995 and refused to sign even CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

Is India a signatory of CTBT?

What is India stand on CTBT?

India’s stand on the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) too is a principled one. India has declared that it would be unable to sign and ratify the CTBT in its present discriminatory form. However, India has pledged to continue with its voluntary and unilateral moratorium on further nuclear testing.

Why did India not join CTBT?

“India had participated in the negotiations of the draft CTBT in the Conference on Disarmament. But, India could not join the Treaty as the Treaty did not address a number of core concerns raised by India,” the Foreign Secretary said at the UN Security Council meeting.

Why is India against CTBT?

India did not accept the CTBT since many other countries were reluctant to eliminate their nuclear weaponry.

Why has the NPT failed?

Four key factors have combined to undermine the NPT and compromise the solidarity of its members: (1) the failure of the nuclear-weapon states to fulfill their disarmament commitments, (2) the inability to effect universalization of the treaty and resolve its major regional security threats, (3) the absence of crucial …

Why is the NPT ineffective?

Due to persisting demand-side factors and crumbling supply-side controls, the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) will probably be unable to prevent a likely proliferation rate of one or two additional nuclear weapons states per decade into the foreseeable future.

Which countries have violated the NPT?

North Korea violated its NPT obligations while a party, and then proved its strategic decision to seek nuclear weapons by withdrawing from the Treaty entirely. He said that two States in the past -– Iraq and Libya -– had also violated the NPT.

Why is India not part of CTBT?

Consequently, India refused to accept the CTBT since it was not able to “accept any restraints on its capability if other countries remain unwilling to accept the obligation to eliminate their nuclear weapons.”

How CTBT is discriminatory?

CTBT was therefore discussed in great detail at the United Nations Conference on Disarmament. The idea was to stop underground nuclear tests by all states. But the key feature which is discriminatory was that the nuclear weapons states would be allowed to maintain their existing arsenals.

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