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Is Morgana good for jungle?

Is Morgana good for jungle?

Morgana’s utility has always been a great supportive tool, being able to hard crowd control enemy targets for what feels like years! This makes Morgana jungle especially strong due to her ganks, locking down enemies and allowing her laners to snowball.

Why is Morgana a good Jungler?

There’s two things that make Morgana jungle incredibly strong: Her incredibly fast clear, and her great gank potential. She has one of the fastest full-clears in League right now, and is able to juggle two camps at once thanks to the healing off her passive.

Is Morgana good in wild rift?

Morgana does great with most ability power items. Her main source of damage is from all her abilities. Rod of Ages is a very good item for Morgana. With Morgana, you will be in the middle of team fights a lot so having that extra bit of health and ability power will be really important.

Does Morgana start blue or red?

The Pro Morgana Jungle Path starts on the Red Brambleback and Morgana killing it with Tormented Shadow. After killing the Red Buff and reaching level two, Morgana unlocks Dark Binding as Black Shield is pretty much useless in the jungle. She then heads over to the Krugs camp to clear them.

Does Dark Harvest Morgana work?

Soul Shackles Dark Harvest: As most ap junglers, dark harvest is the best rune for morgana, she has damage over time with her W, plays from the distance and can proc the rune multiple times in a fight.

Is Morgana a support?

Morgana 12.10 Morgana Build 12.10 ranks as an S-Tier pick for the Support role in Season 12. This champion currently has a Win Rate of (Average), Pick Rate of (High), and a Ban Rate of (High).

Is Morgana good lol?

Morgana is one of my favorite champions. She can wreak havoc on anyone and everyone on Summoner’s Rift. She has great scaling damage, insane spell vamp and sustain, and a huge amount of CC that can stop champions in their tracks.

Is Morgana a strong support?

Morgana isn’t the highest of output champs unlike lux, Samira, or Jhin, but she is a great support with her root and her Ult which is helpful in team fights. However, getting demonic embrace and Zhonya’s Hourglass really helps in the team fight as well as redemption.

Who does Morgana counter the most?

Morgana counter tips

  • Xerath. 52.3% 667.
  • Blitzcrank. 51.8% 1 520.
  • Brand. 51.5% 507.
  • Lulu. 51.4% 1 970.
  • Ashe. 51.1% 1 250.
  • Janna. 51.0% 755.
  • Bard. 50.8% 484.
  • Vel’Koz. 50.6% 354.

Why is Morgana so popular?

Morgana’s popularity is due to her being one of the best-designed champions in League of Legends. She has a useful ability kit and she’s powerful enough to carry games, even as a support. Morgana also counters a lot of champions in the game, so many people want to play her.

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