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What are slums in geography?

What are slums in geography?

A slum is a residential area with substandard housing that is poorly serviced and/or overcrowded, and therefore unhealthy, unsafe, and socially undesirable. A single dwelling can fit this description, but the term is usually reserved for larger areas, rural or more commonly urban.

Where are the slums in Africa?

Kibera (Kinubi: Forest or Jungle) is a division of Nairobi Area, Kenya, and neighbourhood of the city of Nairobi, 6.6 kilometres (4.1 mi) from the city centre. Kibera is the largest slum in Nairobi, and the largest urban slum in Africa.

What are slums in Africa?

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHABITAT) defines a slum as an urban area with a lack of basic services (sanitation, potable water, electricity), substandard housing, overcrowding, unhealthy and hazardous locations, insecure tenure and social exclusion.

Where are slums located and why?

Although slums are usually located in urban areas, in some countries they can be located in suburban areas where housing quality is low and living conditions are poor.

What are slums made of?

Slum houses are typically made of waste materials such as cardboard, tin, and plastic, have dirt floors, and lack connections to basic services such as water and sewer systems.

What are the major problems of slum?

Problems Faced by the Slum Dwellers in India

  • Lack of Basic Necessities.
  • Overcrowding and High Density.
  • Substandard Housing or Illegal and Inadequate Building Structures.
  • Unhealthy Living Conditions and Hazardous Locations.
  • Insecure Tenure, Irregular or Informal Settlements.
  • Poverty and Social Exclusion.

Why does Africa have so many slums?

With housing rapidly diminishing as Africans moved into cities, they began settling onto common land, eventually creating the sprawling slums that still exist today. Even now, the sub-Saharan African urban population is annually growing at 4%.

How much of Africa is slums?

According to estimates by UN-Habitat, 200 million people in sub-Saharan Africa were living in slums in 2010, or 61.7 per cent of the region’s urban population, the highest rate in the world.

How many slums are in Africa?

Urban population living in slums or informal settlements, 2018 (millions of people)

Urban population living in slums or informal settlements, 2018(millions of people) million
Eastern and South-Eastern Asia 370
Sub-Saharan Africa 238
Central and Southern Asia 227
Other regions 199

What are the causes of slums?

There are two main reasons why slums develop: population growth and governance.

  • Population growth.
  • The pushing and pulling forces of migration.
  • Low incomes from agriculture.
  • Better job prospects.
  • People know what cities can offer them.
  • Urban migration is often a survival strategy for rural households.
  • Governance.

How are slum houses built?

As a result, all the houses are built with bricks; concrete pillars are used for the structure; floors are made from floor beams and slabs; and the roof is almost always corrugated iron. Some people make use of craftsmen, especially for the more technical tasks – like casting slabs or placing a sheet metal roof.

What is the life in slum?

Slum can be defined as ‘A residential area where dwellings are unfit for human habitation by reasons of dilapidation, overcrowding, lack of ventilation or sanitation facility and having drinking water facilities in unhygienic conditions’.

What do slums do to the environment?

Waste collection is poor, so pollution levels are high. This means that slums have a negative effect on natural ecosystems. Their presence can cause environmental degradation and deplete natural resources such as timber.

What are the problems of slums?

Slum dwellers in India regularly deals with problems such as lack of clean water, constant migration at slums, no sewage or waste disposal facilities, pollution, and unsanitary living conditions. High levels of pollution, lack of basic needs, and room-crowding are some of the basic characteristics of slum housing.

What percent of the people in Africa live in slums?

As of 2018, 24 percent of global urban population lived in slums. In Sub-Saharan Africa, slum population constitued 56.2 percent of the total population.

What causes slums to develop?

There are two main reasons why slums develop: population growth and governance. Countries around the world are urbanising rapidly as more people migrate from rural areas to the cities and natural population growth continues to occur. Today, more than half the world’s population resides in urban areas.

Where is the largest slum in Africa?

1Kibera, the infamous slum in Nairobi—Kenya’s capital—, is viewed as “the biggest, largest and poorest slum in Africa.” After the First World War, the British government allowed the Nubians to settle in a forest1 at the edge of Nairobi, as a reward for their service.

What are the problems in slum areas?

How do slums affect the environment?

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