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What do you use to hydro dip?

What do you use to hydro dip?

Glass bottles or vases can be dipped and have flowers put in them. Also consider mugs and cups (on the outside), outdoor pots, and water bottles. If you are looking to practice, then just about anything you can find around the house will work! Make sure to use primer.

Do you need activator for hydro dip?

Although it is not an absolute necessity to apply an activator to the hydro dip film, it is highly recommended that you do. Skipping this step can result in your hydrographic not being applied as well as it would if you used an activator.

How do you Hydro dip with acrylic paint without borax?

Take a paintbrush, dip into a color, and tap the handle on your palm about an inch away from the water. Let the paint splatter onto the water (if it doesn’t float, thin it even further). You can also gently dip the brush into the water and let the paint float away from the brush..

Is hydro dipping just water?

Introduction: Hydro Dip Painting Hydro Dipping is where paint resting on the surface of water is then transferred onto an object through dipping.

Do you have to prime before hydro dipping?

The first necessary ingredient to hydro dipping is the primer. It promotes adhesion of the transfer film to the object. After applying the primer, allow for it to dry, before transfering a film onto your part. This can take up to two hours.

How do you Hydro dip in cornstarch?


  1. Make a cornstarch slurry by combining 2 parts cold water with 1 part cornstarch.
  2. Heat 3 cups of water on the stove.
  3. Take the thickened water off the stove and let it cool down completely.
  4. Choose your paint colors.
  5. Start laying the paints onto the cooled water one by one.

Can I use any spray paint for hydro dipping?

With the container of water ready you just need some acrylic spray paint colour combinations you want to apply. I had a few old spray paint cans that could be used up here, and almost any combination looks good with this technique.

Do you need activator to Hydro dip with spray paint?

Can I use any spray paint to Hydro dip?

As long as your spray paint is oil or synthetic based, your hydro dipping project should go smoothly.

Do you need an activator to Hydro dip?

Under and over activating are two of the leading causes in problems with hydro dipping. You are not applying a layer of paint, you just need enough activator (with a fine mist, fan pattern spray) to cover the film lightly.

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