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Why is Shiva tamasic?

Why is Shiva tamasic?

Shiva is the God of Shaivans and Vishnu is the God of Vaishnavas and Puranas are written by Vaishnavas and Brahmins are infested with Superiority complex therefore they consider Shiva as Tamasic.

What are tamasic activities?

Tamas arise from ignorance and and prevent a person’s path from spiritual truth. Noticeable tamasic qualities are laziness, anger, attachment, depression, dependency, self-doubt, guilt, boredom, irritation, addiction, apathy, confusion, grief, ignorance. In order to reduce tamas, tamasic foods must be avoided.

What is tamasic nature?

A tamasic nature is one that is lacking in motivation, clarity and will, while a rajasic nature is lacking in focus with a constant desire for more.

What is Tamsik Puran?

The categorisation of Puranas into Sattvik, Rajasik and Tamasik is mentioned in Matsya Purana and Padma Purana. Those glorifying Hari are said to be Sattvik in Nature. Those glorifying Brahma are said to be Rajasik in Nature. Those glorifying Shiva are said to be Tamasik in Nature. Matsya Purana 53.

Is Tantra a Tamasic?

Yet there are people in the world who are leading a rajasic cum tamasic life and who still want to evolve to the higher path. For these people there is definitely a way and that way is known as tantra. In hatha yoga there are certain practices which are really meant for tamasic people.

Who is the God of tamas?

Lord Shiva is the god of tamas so all the intoxicating drugs and wine, alcohol etc. are associated with him. The current generation is rajas dominant. All the discoveries of modern day are by-products of rajas.

What is Tamasic mind?

A Tamasic mind is one which is lazy, depressed and demotivated. The literal translation of the word Tamas in Sanskrit is ‘darkness’. Tamasic people might indulge in a very unhealthy diet, have unhealthy thoughts and live a lifestyle that is destructive in nature.

Who are Tamsik people?

Tamsik : These persons are totally at variance with the sattvic and rajsik traits. Such persons revel in sexual matters and are horrible indulgence in sexual acts. They are easy-going people and do not wish to attend to any mental and physical activity.

Is Shiva Puran a Tamsik?

The categorisation of Puranas into Sattvik, Rajasik and Tamasik is mentioned in Matsya Purana and Padma Purana. Those glorifying Hari are said to be Sattvik in Nature. Those glorifying Brahma are said to be Rajasik in Nature. Those glorifying Shiva are said to be Tamasik in Nature.

Is Padma Purana interpolated?

Both BVP and Bhavishya Purana are highly Interpolated and there are enough proofs to support this statement. But i am shocked that how these so called Shiva and Vishnu devotees are targeting the Purana which glorify their so called rivals.

What Guna is Shiva?

Lord Shiva is the god of tamas so all the intoxicating drugs and wine, alcohol etc. are associated with him. The current generation is rajas dominant.

Is Shiva Purana a Tamasic?

Tamasik Puranas – The Matsya, Kurma, Linga, Siva, Skanda and Agni. Through these, you will only reach the state of Ignorance. Reasons why Shiva Puran and Linga Purana are considered Tamasic (Tamo Guna).

Who are Tamasic people?

Qualities of a Tamasic person are- anger, greed, unfaithful, tortures others, asks others for something, shows off and pretends to be what he is not, gives difficulties to others, causes people to fight among themselves, causes sorrow to others, leads down the wrong path, worries and makes others worry, thinks poorly …

What is Tamsik karma?

Yogapedia explains Tamasic Kamya karma, which tamas is considered to be a part of, refers to the rituals performed to achieve personal desires. Tamas of the kamya karma kind, is the worship performed to fulfill one’s desires, which are centered on the Self.

Which Puran is supreme?

According to ‘Shiv puraane Lord Shiva is Supreme and according to ‘Vishnu puran’ Lord Vishnu is supreme.

How many types of Puran are there in Bengali?

The Puranas are classified into two types: Mahapurana and Upapurana, each consisting of 18 books. The Mahapuranas include Brahma, Padma, Visvu, Shiva or Vayu, Bhagavata, Narada, Markandeya, Agni, Bhavisya or Bhavisyat, Brahmavaivarta, Libga, Varaha, Vaman, Kurma, Matsya, Garuda and Brahmanda.

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