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What are 5 examples for simile?

What are 5 examples for simile?

Simile Examples for Kids

  • As cold as ice.
  • As light as a feather.
  • Cool as a cucumber.
  • American as apple pie.
  • They’re like two peas in a pod.
  • Sleeping like a log.
  • Life is like a box of chocolates.

What are some famous similes list?

List of AS… AS Similes

simile meaning
as blind as a bat completely blind
as blind as a mole completely blind
as bold as brass very bold
as brave as a lion very brave

What is a good sentence for simile?

A Simile is a figure of speech that compares two different objects (stone to a cat, Man to a mouse) and brings an interesting connection between the two objects being compared. A simple example of such is the following sentence. ‘He is as dead as a doorbell. ‘ This simile compares ‘He’ to a ‘Doorbell.

What are similes 4th grade?

A simile compares two things by saying that one is like the other. Similes often use the word like or as. The cat’s fur was as dark as the night sky. The night sky is very dark, so the simile suggests that the cat’s fur is also very dark.

What are some beautiful similes?

Beautiful as a rainbow. Beautiful as a dying maid. Beautiful as is the rose in June. Beautiful … as childhood’s dream.

What is the simile of Rainbow?

Rainbow Similes Yellow like a banana peel.

Do all similes have like or as?

While most similes use the connecting words “like” or “as” to establish the comparison they’re making, similes can use other words that create a direct comparison, including other connecting words (such as, “so” or “than”) or verbs of comparison (such as, “compare” and “resemble”).

What is a simile 5th grade?

A simile compares two things by saying that one is like the other. Similes often use the words like and as. My sister runs like a cheetah. The sister’s running and a cheetah’s running are compared using the word like. A cheetah is known for running fast, so the simile means that the sister also runs fast.

What is the simile for honey?

Learn list of similes. A simile is a type of idiom….List of Similes.

Similes Meaning
as soft as butter very soft
as sweet as honey very sweet

What is rain a metaphor for?

Rain metaphors can often relate to God, Noah’s Ark, or the delivery of fate (especially for farmers). Other metaphors for rain relate to personification. We can consider rain to be acting upon us – be it spitting, punishing or entertaining!

What’s the opposite of rainbow?

What is the opposite of rainbow?

monochromatic monochrome
monotone unicolor
homochromous homochromatic
invariant black-and-white

How do I make my own simile?

Similes Add Depth to Creative Writing

  1. You were as brave as a lion.
  2. They fought like cats and dogs.
  3. He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.
  4. This house is as clean as a whistle.
  5. He is as strong as an ox.
  6. Your explanation is as clear as mud.
  7. Watching the show was like watching grass grow.

What makes a good simile?

How Do Similes Work? Similes often use hyperbole, or exaggeration, for emphasis. In the simile, β€œHe ran as fast as lightning,” the writer isn’t suggesting that the subject is actually as fast as lightning, but is using the hyperbolic simile to make the comparison and craft a compelling description.

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