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What is PRULady?

What is PRULady?

PRULady is a regular premium non-participating life insurance plan that provides you with protection against female illnesses, death or Total and Permanent Disability up to the Policy Anniversary of age 70 next birthday. In addition, it also pays Life Change Benefit for various life events.

What is the maturity benefit of PRULady?

Upon maturity, 100% of the total premiums that you have paid (excluding extra premium charged for sub-standard life and taxes, if applicable) will be refunded to you. Furthermore, it protects all mothers-to-be against pregnancy complications and their child against congenital anomalies.

What is the entry age for PRUCash?

Children and adults aged from as young as 14 days to 70 years old can sign up for the PRUCash Enrich and enjoy long-term savings benefits.

What is PruWealth?

PruWealth (SGD) is a regular premium participating endowment insurance plan. It is a long term wealth accumulation plan which matures on the policy anniversary before the life assured turns 100 years old. This plan has fixed premium payment terms of 5 years, 10 years or 20 years.

What is Prusmart lady?

Reimburses for reconstructive surgery and skins grafts caused by mishap, major burns or skin cancer. Comprehensive female medical checkup every two years. Exclusive loyalty benefit of 15% off first year policy premiums when you purchase a policy2 for you, your spouse or child upon significant events in life.

What is the entry age for Prugrowth?

About your plan 15, 20 and 30 years (maximum up to 80 years old). How old must the life assured (the person covered by the plan) be when the plan starts? After birth: 1 – 60 years old.

What is the maturity benefit of PRUCash?

Provides you liquidity with guaranteed cash payouts Receive payments of 6% of your coverage amount every two years before the maturity of your plan.

What is Pru extra?

PRUExtra. A supplementary plan that gives you that little added extra. Complement your PRUShield plan to enjoy even greater coverage.

What is PRUActive term?

PRUActive Term is a non-participating protection term insurance plan that helps you keep pace with your growth and achievements. It gives you the flexibility of increasing your basic coverage amount annually to keep up with your changing lifestyle.

What is PRUPanel connect?

PRUPanel Connect (PPC) is a hospital led partnership programme.

What is PRUMy child?

PRUMy Child Plus is a solution offered by our flagship product, PRUWith You as its basic plan. Attached with prenatal, critical illness, medical, accidental, and payor riders, it is a comprehensive insurance solution to meet your child’s protection needs.

What is PRUCash?

PRUCash is a plan that offers you both savings and protection, with guaranteed payouts every two years that allows you to pay for the little pleasures in life, so while you are saving up for your future, you do not lose the opportunity to enjoy life.

What is PRUCash double reward?

What is PRUCash Double Reward? PRUCash Double Reward is a regular premium participating anticipated endowment plan that gives you an annual guaranteed payout from the end of the first policy year in addition to coverage on Death & Total and Permanent Disability (TPD). 2.

What is PRUShield and PRUExtra?

The Deductible+ and Co-insurance++ are to be paid by you. PRUShield Standard. Provides coverage for medical and surgical expenses at restructured hospitals (up to class B1 wards). The Deductible+ and Co-insurance++ are to be paid by you. PRUExtra Premier CoPay.

What is PRUMortgage?

PRUMortgage is a non-participating, regular premium reducing term mortgage insurance plan that ensures your family will always have a shelter, by taking care of the outstanding mortgage payments should the unforeseen happen.

What is PRUShield plus?

PRUshield Plus Provides coverage for medical and surgical expenses at restructured hospitals (up to Class A ward). The Deductible and Co-insurance are not covered by the Integrated Shield Plan.

When did Prudential start IVF pregnancy?

With Prudential’s PRUMy child plus, you can get early protection for your unborn baby from as early as 14 weeks old in the womb! That’s not the only good news – Prudential is the first insurer in Malaysia to offer coverage for IVF pregnancies. Besides your baby, this comprehensive solution also protects you.

What is essential child plus?

This rider product offers the financial aid often needed from the impact of nursing your child back to health. Sign up for Essential Child Plus today to get a lump sum benefit upon diagnosis of any of the 10 child-specified illnesses covered.

What is the maturity benefit of Prucash?

What is the benefit of PRURetirement growth?

PRURetirement Growth guarantees you income and income growth according to your plans for a fulfilling retirement. It is an investment-linked plan that pays you higher guaranteed returns and allows flexible withdrawals.

Posted in Reviews