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What is the difference between text alignment and indentation?

What is the difference between text alignment and indentation?

The alignment property of a paragraph determines how the paragraph is positioned between the left and right indents, not between the edges of the text column. 1)Do one of the following: To use the ruler, drag the indent symbol to a new location on the ruler.

What is the difference between text alignment?

There are four main alignments: left, right, center, and justified. Left-aligned text is text that is aligned with a left edge. Right-aligned text is text that is aligned with a right edge. Centered text is text that is centered between two edges.

What is meant by text alignment?

Text alignment is a paragraph formatting attribute that determines the appearance of the text in a whole paragraph. For example, in a paragraph that is left-aligned (the most common alignment), text is aligned with the left margin. In a paragraph that is justified, text is aligned with both margins. Align text left.

What is the indentation of text?

When referring to text, indent or indentation is the increase or decrease of space between the left and right margin of a paragraph. To indent text, move the cursor to the front of the line and press the Tab on the keyboard.

What is alignment and indentation?

Answer: In the word processing, the word Indent is used to dicriebe the distance,or number of blank spaces used to seperate a paragraph from left or right margin. Alignment is a word used to describe how text is used to places in the screen in relation of margin.

What is the difference between alignment and margin?

text-align: center will center the contents of the container, while margin: auto will center the container itself. You should be careful with margin:auto because it is not supported in IE6.

What is alignment give example?

The definition of alignment is an arrangement of objects in a way that makes a line or row. The position of members in a marching band is an example of alignment.

What are the 4 types of text alignment?

There are four types of paragraph alignment available in Microsoft Word — left-aligned, center-aligned, rightaligned, and justified.

  • Left-Aligned Text. A paragraph’s text is left aligned when it is aligned evenly along the left margin.
  • Center Aligned Text.
  • Right-Aligned Text.
  • Justified Text.

What are the different types of text alignment?

There are 4 types of text alignments which are left-aligned, center-aligned, right-aligned, and justified.

What is the difference between indent and margin?

Ans-Paragraph indenting is the space left at the beginning of starting any paragraph while page margin is the amount of blank white space at each side.

What is align and valign in HTML?


valign Attribute is used to specify the vertical alignment of text content in a cell. Syntax:

Attribute Value: top: It sets the content to top-align. middle: It sets the content to middle-align.

What is the difference between text align and vertical-align properties?

Answer: Text-align is used to align the text in center/left/right/justify horizontally and vertical-align aligns the element in vertically. The proper values for text-align are left|right|center|justify as it is horizontal, while the valign is vertical so it’s top|middle|bottom|baseline.

Why do we use alignment?

Alignment is the placement of visual elements so they line up in a composition. In design, we use alignment to organize elements, to group elements, to create balance, to create structure, to create connections between elements, to create a sharp and clear outcome.

What is the use of alignment?

Alignment determines the appearance and orientation of the edges of the paragraph: left-aligned text, right-aligned text, centered text, or justified text, which is aligned evenly along the left and right margins.

What is the purpose of indent?

Indentation, the much-maligned formatting technique, provides readers with a sense of continuity. Indentations signal to the reader that she is about to dive into another topic or start a new section of a novel. They help present content in a logical fashion.

What is the difference between tab and indent?

An indent sets the distance between the left and the right margins. It’s also used in bullets and numbering to ensure that the text lines up properly. Tabs come into play when you press the Tab key on your keyboard. It moves the cursor one-half inch by default, much like a shortcut for several spaces.

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