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What is the Facebook 80/20 rule?

What is the Facebook 80/20 rule?

Facebook has discreetly removed the rule that limited text space on ad images to only 20 per cent. It means that the social networking giant will not penalise ads with more image text on them. Facebook had a ‘text overlay’ tool for advertisers to ensure that text did not take up more than 20 per cent of their ads.

What does CTA mean on Facebook?

call-to-action button
Let’s talk about the call-to-action button. We’ll call it the CTA button for short. A call-to-action button (or CTA button) directs your Page visitors to do something specific, like visit your website or call your store. To add a CTA button, start on your Page. Below your Page’s cover photo, click Add a Button.

What is Facebook’s 20 text rule?

The Facebook 20% rule was a requirement that rejected Facebook ads with more than 20% of text in its images. While the rule is no longer enforced, Facebook still recommends including a 20% text-to-image ratio. The recommendation applies to both single image and carousel ads run on Facebook and Instagram.

What are the Facebook CTA options?

With that, let’s look at the most popular Facebook CTA buttons:

  • The ‘learn more’ CTA button.
  • The ‘sign up’ now CTA button.
  • The ‘message us’ CTA button.
  • The ‘download’ CTA button.

When did Facebook remove the 20% text rule?

Late Q3, 2020 advertisers began to notice leniency in Facebook’s 20% Text Rule. The rule prevented advertisers from promoting ads containing more than 20% text by restricting reach relative to how much text was in the ad.

How do you write text in Facebook ads?

Checklist for writing Facebook ad headlines:

  1. Make the headline a CTA.
  2. Keep it to 5 words.
  3. Add a benefit to the headline.
  4. Test 5-mile vs 5-foot benefits.
  5. Keep it simple – focus on 1 thing.
  6. Attract eyeballs with appropriate special characters.
  7. Be empathetic – any pains you’re solving are real pains.
  8. If it’s new, say so.

How do I add a CTA to Facebook?

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Build your post in the Schedule a Post screen and click Advanced Options.
  2. Schedule your post as normal and—Step 3 of 5—select your call-to-action button in the Facebook Call-To-Action section.
  3. Continue the rest of the posting process as usual.

How do I add a CTA to my Facebook page?

How to Add a CTA Button to Your Facebook Page

  1. Step 1: Log in and go to your business’ Facebook Page.
  2. Step 2: Click the “Create Call-to-Action” button.
  3. Step 3: Choose the CTA button copy.
  4. Step 4: Input the link you want the CTA to send users to.
  5. Step 5: Select the destination for mobile users.
  6. Step 6: Click “Create.”

Can you use the word you in Facebook ads?

In your Facebook ad copy, avoid using the words you and your too often. While those words work well in email marketing, the Facebook algorithm doesn’t favor ads that are full of them.

How do I add a CTA button to my Facebook page?

To add an action button to your Page:

  1. Tap in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Tap Pages.
  3. Go to your Page.
  4. Tap Add a Button.
  5. Tap to choose an action and follow the on-screen instructions.
  6. Tap Save.

What do you say in an ad?

21 Tips for Writing Great Ad Headlines

  1. Include Keywords.
  2. Ask Questions.
  3. Solve Prospects’ Problems.
  4. Add a Little Humor.
  5. Include Numbers or Statistics.
  6. Think Carefully About User Intent.
  7. Use Empathy.
  8. Use Simple Language.

How do you write an advertising message?

How to write great advertising copy

  1. Show viewers how you’ll solve their problem. When it comes to writing ad headlines, most businesses start and stop at plugging in keywords.
  2. Include emotional triggers.
  3. Focus on benefits, not features.
  4. Implement FOMO.

What CTA means?

call to action
A call to action (CTA) is a prompt on a website that tells the user to take some specified action. A call to action is typically written as a command or action phrase, such as ‘Sign Up’ or ‘Buy Now’ and generally takes the form of a button or hyperlink.

Which words are not allowed in Facebook Ads?

Facebook prohibits content that includes profanity, sexual innuendo, and discrimination. You will not be allowed to run any ads that contain this type of content, so keep it out of your copy and creative.

What words should you avoid on Facebook?

Remember: Avoid using pain points or “negative” words like diet, weight loss, fat, depression, anxiety, stress, fear, overwhelm, terrified, etc… The solution: Use positive language instead.

How do you write a perfect call to action?

Hook, Line, and Sinker: 7 Tips for a Killer Call-to-Action

  1. Use a strong command verb to start your CTA.
  2. Use words that provoke emotion or enthusiasm.
  3. Give your audience a reason why they should take the desired action.
  4. Take Advantage of FOMO.
  5. Know your devices.
  6. Don’t be afraid to get a little creative.

What is the best call to action?

The best call to action phrases are clear but specific and create urgency that drives the user to action. If you have a truly irresistable offer, your call to action should sell its value.

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