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What is the theme of World AIDS Day 2015?

What is the theme of World AIDS Day 2015?

World AIDS Day, observed on December 1, draws attention to the current status of the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic worldwide. This year’s theme is World AIDS 2015: The Time to Act is Now.

What is the theme of World AIDS Day 2016?

World AIDS Day 2016 “Hands Up for #HIV Prevention”

What is the theme of World AIDS?

The theme for the 2021 observance is “Ending the HIV Epidemic: Equitable Access, Everyone’s Voice” (“El tema de este año para WAD se confirma como: Poner fin a la epidemia de VIH: acceso equitativo, la voz de todos”). World AIDS Day was first observed in 1988.

What is the theme for World AIDS Day 2021 South Africa?

End Inequalities
The theme for World AIDS Day 2021 is End Inequalities. End AIDS. End pandemics. Advocacy organisations agree that to end the duel pandemic the world faces, complacency must end and the inequalities fuelling both HIV and Covid-19 must be tackled.

What does the red ribbon symbolize?

The red ribbon has become an internationally recognized symbol for AIDS awareness, worn by people throughout the year in support of people living with HIV and in remembrance of those who have died.

What does sanac stand for?


What does yellow ribbon stand for?

suicide prevention awareness
The yellow ribbon is an emblem for suicide prevention awareness, particularly for young people, and is used for suicide prevention awareness in many countries including the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Who is Steve Letsike?

Steve is a human rights advocate. Steve Founder and Executive Director of Access Chapter 2 (AC2). Steve is a prominent leader, with high level international policy and human rights experience for over 15 years.

What is Nacosa?

NACOSA is a network of over 2,500 civil society organisations working together to turn the tide on HIV, AIDS and TB in Southern Africa.

What green ribbon stands for?

The green ribbon is the international symbol for mental health awareness. Wear a green ribbon to show colleagues, loved ones or simply those you walk past that you care about their mental health. It can also be worn in memory of a loved one.

When was NACOSA founded?

Created as an outcome of a national conference in 1991 to lobby for and develop the first National AIDS Plan for South Africa, NACOSA is now a network of more than 1 200 HIV, AIDS, TB and other related role-players working in communities across South Africa.

How does NACOSA support the community?

NACOSA promotes dialogue, builds capacity with accredited training, mentoring and technical assistance and channels resources to support service delivery on the ground, particularly among children and youth, key populations and women and girls.

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