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Where is the AEG Turbine factory located?

Where is the AEG Turbine factory located?

AEG Turbine Factory. Located in the Moabit district of Berlin, the AEG Turbine Factory was Behrens’ first factory design.

Who designed AEG Turbine factory?

Peter BehrensAEG Turbine Factory / ArchitectPeter Behrens was a leading German architect, graphic and industrial designer, best known for his early pioneering AEG Turbine Hall in Berlin in 1909. He had a long career, designing objects, typefaces, and important buildings in a range of styles from the 1900s to the 1930s. Wikipedia

When did Peter Behrens create this poster for the AEG electric lamp?

Peter Behrens: Poster for AEG’s Metal Filament Bulb. Circa 1907.

What is Peter Behrens style?

One of Germany’s greatest architects during the first decade of the 20th century, Peter Behrens was a pioneer of corporate design as well as modernist architecture (buildings characterized by functionalist style and new materials).

What is Bauhaus architecture?

Bauhaus architecture is a school of design and architecture founded by architect Walter Gropius in 1919, in Weimar, Germany. The school was founded to unite fine arts (like painting and sculpture) with applied arts (like industrial design or building design).

Who was the designer of this poster for AEG electric lamps?

AEG electric lamps | Creator: Peter Behrens (German graphic …

Who invented turbine?

1* The first wind turbine in the history built by Charles F. Brush. Wind turbines have currently been installed throughout the world, both onshore and offshore, thanks to Charles F. Brush (1849-1929), an American scientist who, in 1887, built what is said to be the first automatic wind turbine to generate electricity.

What is Gesamtkunstwerk architecture?

The German term Gesamtkunstwerk, roughly translates as a “total work of art” and describes an artwork, design, or creative process where different art forms are combined to create a single cohesive whole.

Which turbine is most efficient?

The relatively simple design of the steam turbine makes it more efficient to maintain. A steam turbine also offers up to 90 percent efficiency, and sometimes above, for industrial steam turbines. This makes steam turbines the most efficient in most types of applications.

Who built the first gas turbine?

Aurel StodolaGeorge BraytonJohn BarberGyörgy JendrassikSanford Alexander MossÆgidius Elling
Gas turbine/Inventors

Who built the first wind turbine?

Charles F. BrushWind turbine / Inventor

When was Gesamtkunstwerk invented?

Background. The term was developed by the German writer and philosopher K. F. E. Trahndorff in an essay in 1827. The German opera composer Richard Wagner used the term in two 1849 essays, and the word has become particularly associated with his aesthetic ideals.

Who is the architect of the AEG Turbine Factory?

The AEG turbine factory was built in 1909, at Huttenstraße 12–16 in the Berlin district of Moabit. It is the best-known work of architect Peter Behrens. The 100m long steel framed building with 15m tall glass windows on either side is considered the first attempt to introduce restrained modern design to industrial architecture.

What did Behrens do for AEG?

Behrens’ first assignment for AEG involved the re-design of arc lamps—utilitarian hanging lamps intended for factories, warehouses, railway stations, and other public buildings. In his work in Darmstadt and Düsseldorf, Behrens had advocated for a functionally-guided approach to industrial design.

How did Peter Behrens get his first AEG Commission?

How exactly Peter Behrens—a painter turned graphic designer—came to receive his first commissions from AEG in 1907 remains somewhat unclear. But the credentials Behrens brought to this appointment were substantial, and his success within the industrial powerhouse was immediate.

Where is the built Turbine Factory by Peter Behrens?

The built Turbine Factory by Peter Behrens is located northwest of the center of Berlin, Germany, in Ironworks Road 12-16 Berlin-Moabit district to about 3 km from Reichstag. You can reach the underground line U9, getting off at the station Turmstrasse and walking down the avenue of the same name 1 kilometer to the west.

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