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Who is the most famous KGB spy?

Who is the most famous KGB spy?

Oleg Gordievsky

Oleg Gordievsky CMG
Espionage activity
Allegiance Soviet Union (British secret agent since 1974) United Kingdom
Service branch KGB SIS/MI6
Rank Colonel of the KGB

Do sleeper agents still exist?

Even if unactivated, the “sleeper agent” is still an asset and is still playing an active role in sedition, espionage or possibly treason by virtue of agreeing to act if activated. Sleeper agents are popular plot devices in fiction, particularly in espionage fiction and science fiction.

Who has the best Secret Service?

1. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), USA. The CIA is primarily focused to provide intelligence for the President and Cabinet of the United States and it also plays a major role in maintaining dominance of USA over the world.

What is a CIA mole?

In espionage jargon, a mole (also called a “penetration agent”, “deep cover agent”, or “sleeper agent”) is a long-term spy (espionage agent) who is recruited before having access to secret intelligence, subsequently managing to get into the target organization.

What is the GRU in Russia?

GRU, abbreviation of Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravlenie, (Russian: Chief Intelligence Office), Soviet military intelligence organization. It had no formal connection to the KGB, the Soviet political police and security agency, though Western intelligence authorities believed that the KGB had agents within the GRU.

What is a dead spy?

Sun Tzu’s Dead spies: Spies you use to provide the enemy with false information. Dead spies are manipulated by you to spill bad information to the enemy.

How do you activate a sleeper agent?

Activation of the second kind of sleeper is, at least in novels and stories, done by approaching the agent and uttering a long ago memorized password or pass phrase, or by mailing a postcard with a significant picture to the sleeper.

Who is No 1 intelligence agency in world?

One of the top intelligence agencies in the world is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

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