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Is NaClO an acid or base or neutral?

Is NaClO an acid or base or neutral?

NaClO is weakly basic because ClO− is the conjugate base of a weak acid, HClO (hypochlorous acid).

Is sodium hypochlorite acidic?

Sodium hypochlorite is alkaline, and household bleach also contains NaOH to make the solution even more alkaline. Two substances are formed when sodium hypochlorite dissolves in water. These are hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and the hypochlorite ion (OCl-), with the ratio of the two being determined by the pH of the water.

What is NaClO pH?

1 Answer. Stefan V. Apr 3, 2018. pH=14+log(√0.49⋅Kb)

Is NaClO a salt?

Sodium hypochlorite (commonly known in a dilute solution as bleach) is a chemical compound with the formula NaOCl or NaClO, comprising a sodium cation (Na+) and a hypochlorite anion (OCl−or ClO−). It may also be viewed as the sodium salt of hypochlorous acid.

Is NaClO a weak base?

NaClO (a salt) dissociates completely to Na + and ClO-, a weak base. Na + is a spectator ion in solution, and thus does not affect the pH.

Why is sodium hypochlorite a base?

The pH value of sodium hypochlorite ranges between 11 and 13. In an aqueous solution, it dissociates into hypochlorite anion and sodium ions. The hypochlorite ions formed to accept a proton from water thereby causing the release of OH- ions in the solution, thus, making the solution basic.

Is chlorine an acid or base?

When chlorine is added to water, it forms a weak acid called hypochlorous acid. Because most bacteria cells, such as those found in E. coli, are negatively charged and hypochlorous acid is neutrally charged, the hypochlorous acid penetrates the bacteria and oxidize its protein cells, which breaks the bacteria down.

Is nacl base or acid?

neutral salt
Sodium chloride, which is obtained by neutralization of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, is a neutral salt.

Is hypochlorite basic?

Bleach or sodium hypochlorite is a base and its pH ranges between 11 and 13. In an aqueous solution, it dissociates to form sodium and hypochlorite ions.

Is NaClO ionic?

Its chemical formula is NaClO, composed of one sodium (Na) atom, one chlorine (Cl) atom and one oxygen (O) atom. Its chemical structure shows that the hypochlorite ion (ClO-) has an ionic bond with the sodium (Na+) ion.

Is chlorine acidic or basic?

Is chlorine neutral?

1 Answer. Chlorine atomic number is 17 so its number of protons = number of electrons = 17 so chlorine atom is electrically neutral.

Is NaOCl a strong base?

Sodium hypochlorite solution is a weak base that is inflammable.

Why is sodium chloride a neutral salt?

Halides and alkaline metals dissociate and do not affect the H+ as the cation does not alter the H+ and the anion does not attract the H+ from water. This is why NaCl is a neutral salt.

Why is sodium chloride solution neutral?

NaCl doesn’t release H+ ions in an aqueous solution, hence, it is not acid. For same reason, NaCl doesn’t release OH– ions in an aqueous solution, hence, it is not base. NaCl is neutral salt, made from the neutralization of strong acid (HCl) with a strong base (NaOH).

Is NaClO an oxidizing agent?

Sodium hypochlorite is a strong oxidizer. Oxidation reactions are corrosive.

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