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What are the four types of non-formal education?

What are the four types of non-formal education?

Non-formal education is often used interchangeably with terms such as community education, adult education, lifelong education and second-chance education. It refers to a wide range of educational initiatives in the community, ranging from home-based learning to government schemes and community initiatives.

What is the role of teacher in non-formal education?

By demonstration strategy, teachers can help students perform these activities, assess their practical skills and help them extrapolate in their everyday life. Assuming responsibility for the students and quality of work.

What is the role of teachers in non-formal education?

What is non-formal education?

Non-formal education refers to planned, structured programmes and processes of personal and social education for young people designed to improve a range of skills and competences, outside the formal educational curriculum.

What are the activities of non-formal education?

Activities may include:

  • Literacy and numeracy classes.
  • Homework support clubs.
  • Cultural activities such as music, dance or drama.
  • Sports practices and teams, with recognition of gender issues.
  • Education regarding child rights.
  • Subject-specific learning may include: Health and hygiene education.

What are the characteristics of informal education?

Characteristics of Informal Education

  • It is independent of boundary walls.
  • It has no definite syllabus.
  • It is not pre-planned and has no timetable.
  • No fees are required as we get informal education through daily experience and by learning new things.
  • It is a lifelong process in a natural way.

What is the nature of non-formal education?

Non-formal learning takes place outside formal learning environments but within some kind of organisational framework. It arises from the learner’s conscious decision to master a particular activity, skill or area of knowledge and is thus the result of intentional effort.

What are the components of non-formal education describe briefly?

Non-formal education can cover programmes contributing to adult and youth literacy and education for out-of-school children, as well as programmes on life skills, work skills, and social or cultural development.

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