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What is DCC software?

What is DCC software?

(1) (Digital Content Creation) The development of newsworthy, educational and entertainment material for distribution over the Internet. (2) (Direct Cable Connection) A Windows feature that allows PCs to be cabled together for data transfer. DCC sets up a network connection between the two machines.

How do I reset my DCC locomotive?

Most decoders can be reset by setting CV8 to 8 or setting CV30 to 2 then rebooting everything. The loco should then respond to the short address of 3. 1. Remember that you can only READ CVs when your DCC system is in Program Track Mode / Service Mode.

How do you adjust the volume on a DCC locomotive?

  1. Press the PROG/ESC button once to display PROGRAM ON MAIN.
  2. Press ENTER.
  3. Enter the Program Loco Number and press enter.
  4. The screen will display 1=ADR 2=CV 3=CFG.
  5. Press 2 to use CV.
  6. The screen will display PROG CV NUM: _
  7. Enter 63 and press ENTER.
  8. The screen will display ENTER VALUE:

How do you split a chassis in DCC?

The key to converting a split-chassis model to DCC is to isolate the chassis from the motor terminals. Split-chassis models rely on the motor terminals pressing against the chassis directly, to get power from the track, but DCC needs to intercept this connection and place the decoder between the pickups and the motor.

What is Kato DCC?

DCC for Kato Japanese Trains. Kato’s newer Japanese passenger trains, most of those made since about 2005, are “DCC Friendly”, which means they can accept a drop-in decoder. For some this means that they have little hatches on the motor and cab cars.

What is orange cable used for?

Orange – Telecommunication, alarm or signal lines. Yellow – Gas, oil, steam, petroleum, or other flammable material. Green – Sewage and drain lines.

How do I factory reset my DCC decoder?

What is DCC programming?

This applies to Multifunction, Function and Accessory Decoders. Decoder configuration is the action of entering suitable values into the configuration variables (CVs) in a DCC decoder to set their address, and other parameters so they operate with the characteristics you choose.

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