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What is the difference between Hexacorallia and Octocorallia?

What is the difference between Hexacorallia and Octocorallia?

This class is divided into two subgroups: the Octocorallia – so named because they have 8 tentacles around the mouth – include sea fans, sea pens and soft corals; the Hexacorallia – with multiples of 6 tentacles around the mouth – include stony corals, black corals, sea anemones, and others.

What are the characteristics of sea anemone?

Anemones have rings of tentacles surrounding their central mouth. Tentacles have specialised stinging cells called nematocysts. They use these to immobilise their prey so that the tentacles are then able to move the food into the mouth. The extending tentacles can also be used to catch passing food as it drifts past.

What classification is a sea anemone?

Sea anemones and coralsSea anemone / Class

sea anemone, any member of the invertebrate order Actiniaria (class Anthozoa, phylum Cnidaria), soft-bodied, primarily sedentary marine animals resembling flowers.

What is the scientific name of sea anemone?

ActiniariaSea anemone / Scientific name

Is Hexacorallia a class?

Sea anemones and coralsHexacorallia / Class

What is the common name for scyphozoa?

Integrated Taxonomic Information System – Report

Common Name(s): jellyfish [English]
cup animals
méduses [French]
água viva [Portuguese]

What are anemones?

A close relative of coral and jellyfish, anemones are stinging polyps that spend most of their time attached to rocks on the sea bottom or on coral reefs waiting for fish to pass close enough to get ensnared in their venom-filled tentacles.

How do Anthozoans feed?

They feed on fishes, which are caught by means of the numerous nematocysts in their tentacles. These animals are known for their symbionts. These include species of fish that actually live among the tentacles of large anemones, somehow avoiding lethal contact with the nematocysts.

What is an example of an Anthozoan?

AlcyonaceaSea anemoneStony coralsBlack coralZoanthidsPrecious coral
Sea anemones and corals/Lower classifications

How many types of anemones are there?

Bubble‑tip anemoneBeadlet anemoneActiniaStichodact… haddoniGiant Green AnemoneHeteractis magnifica
Sea anemone/Lower classifications

How many anemones are there?

There are more than 1,000 sea anemone species found throughout the world’s oceans at various depths, although the largest and most varied occur in coastal tropical waters. They run the full spectrum of colors and can be as small as half an inch or as large as 6 feet across.

What are the characteristics of anthozoans?

Anthozoans include coral, sea fans, sea pansies and sea anemones. The sea anemones have a cylindrical, stout, muscular body while the sea fans and coral have a thin, slightly muscular body. All possess a smooth, slimy basal disc. This disc is used for sliding during migration or for attaching to the subsratum.

What do anthozoans look like?

The Class Anthozoa includes a variety of animals that have polyps with a flower-like appearance. In these forms, the gastrovascular cavity is large. It is divided by walls or septa, which arise as folds from the body wall.

What are the characteristics of Hydrozoa?

Main attributes:

  • Internal space for digestion is the gastrovascular cavity.
  • Gastrovascular cavity has one opening, the mouth.
  • Exoskeleton of chitin.
  • Are almoust entirely marine and predators.
  • Sexual reproduction produces the planula larvae.
  • Two body forms, a polyp and medusea.
  • Presence of stinging cells called Cnidocytes.

How do you identify Scyphozoa?

Scyphozoans share a number of attributes with other cnidarians: (1) they typically possess tentacles, (2) their symmetry is radial, (3) the body wall consists of an outer epidermis and inner gastrodermis, separated by a layer of jelly-like mesoglea, (4) the mouth is the only opening to the digestive system, (5) …

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