What is the story behind Another anime?
The story focuses on a boy named Kōichi Sakakibara who, upon transferring into Yomiyama Middle School and meeting the curious Mei Misaki, finds himself in a mystery revolving around students and people related to his class falling victim to gruesome, senseless deaths.
What is the ending of Another anime?
The anime ends with Naoya and Mochizuki putting a CD they recorded about how to stop the calamity into the cleaning supplies locker in their 3-3 classroom.
Is Misaki dead in Another?
Misaki likes heavy metal. She calls her aunt, Yukiyo Misaki (Kirika) Yuki. Mei and Misaki started to see each other in the fifth years of elementary school, when Mei finds out she’s actually Mitsuyo’s daughter. Misaki died on April 4.
Who was the killer in Another?
Mikami is shown to have a different personality when she’s at school. She is described as a beautiful teacher and was dubbed the “killer type.” Many students wanted her to be their homeroom teacher instead of Mr. Kubodera.
What is the secret in Another anime?
Chibiki tells them the truth about the accidents, which are actually a curse connected to Misaki Yomiyama, a student of Class 3-3 who died 26 years ago. After his death, his classmates, unable to let him go, kept pretending that he was still around, even leaving an empty chair for him.
Does Another have a sad ending?
The Ending of the anime “Another” was one of the most perfect anime endings I’ve ever seen. I’m not even kidding, If you’re seen nearly as much anime as I have, you’ll know how perfect the ending was. It was neither happy nor sad, It was just perfect.
Why does Mei cover her eye?
Her hobby is drawing, and she is a member of the school’s art club, though she states that she doesn’t enjoy creating art so much as she enjoys looking at it. Mei is also very insecure about her prosthetic eye, which is why she hides using her eyepatch.
Who killed Reiko?
When it turned out Reiko was the extra, Mei attempted to kill her, to spare Kouichi the heartache. Reiko herself was obviously terrified and confused, going as far as calling Mei a liar when the accusation flew. Misaki is the first to realize that Reiko is the dead one.
Who is the villain in Another?
Izumi Akazawa
Izumi Akazawa is a main antagonist in the anime/manga series Another. She is the head of countermeasures for class 3-3, who takes steps to prevent the Curse from killing students of her class by any means necessary. Unfortunately, this eventually leads to her attempting to kill the heroine Mei Misaki.
Does Another has happy ending?
Who is the villain in Another anime?
Who is traitor in Another anime?