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Who is the father of lateral thinking?

Who is the father of lateral thinking?

Edward Charles Francis Publius de Bono
Edward Charles Francis Publius de Bono (19 May 1933 – 9 June 2021) was a Maltese physician, psychologist, author, inventor, philosopher, and consultant. He originated the term lateral thinking, wrote the book Six Thinking Hats, and was a proponent of the teaching of thinking as a subject in schools.

What are the two methods suggested by Edward de Bono for thinking?

The two methods suggested by Edward de Bono for thinking out of the box are using the methods of vertical thinking for being logical and lateral thinking for being creative. Explanation: Edward de Bono believed that a person needs to be innovative and creative and use indirect methods of solving a problem.

Who spread the art of lateral thinking?

Edward de Bono, who has died aged 88, was famous for introducing the world to the concept of “lateral thinking” and made a fortune by jetting round the world to explain what it meant. De Bono shot to fame in 1967 with his first book, The Use of Lateral Thinking, which became an instant classic.

What is lateral thinking De Bono?

Developed by Maltese inventor Edward de Bono in the 1960s, lateral thinking is a philosophical approach that cultivates an awareness of and preference for out-of-the-box, unexpected solutions to problems.

What is the Six Hats method?

“Six Thinking Hats” is a way of investigating an issue from a variety of perspectives, but in a clear, conflict-free way. It can be used by individuals or groups to move outside habitual ways of thinking, try out different approaches, and then think constructively about how to move forward.

What is the best book of Edward de Bono?

Six Thinking Hats1985Lateral thinking: Creativity…1967Serious creativity1992The Use of Lateral Thinking1967De Bono’s thinking course1982I Am Right, You Are Wrong1990
Edward de Bono/Books

What are de Bono thinking Systems?

De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats is a powerful technique for looking at decision making from different perspectives. It involves six distinct types of thinking, which you can do on your own or with your team. Each thinking style is represented by a different hat: Blue Hat: organization and planning.

Why is lateral thinking important?

Lateral thinking is vital for organisations because it is the key to finding new and better ways to do things. Innovation is a necessity for competitive advantage and survival. Lateral thinking is a tool for creativity which leads to innovation.

What are the benefits of lateral thinking?

Lateral thinking involves an indirect and creative thought process that accelerates many aspects of life. Lateral thinking is a manner of solving problems using an indirect and creative approach. It also helps stimulate creativity and innovation and facilitates brainstorming.

What are the 4 main categories tools of lateral thinking?

Edward de Bono defines four types of thinking tools:

  • idea-generating tools intended to break current thinking patterns—routine patterns, the status quo.
  • focus tools intended to broaden where to search for new ideas.
  • harvest tools intended to ensure more value is received from idea generating output.

How do you use the Six Thinking Hats to solve problems?


  1. White Hat: Present the facts of the problem.
  2. Green Hat: Generate ideas on how the problem can be solved.
  3. Yellow Hat: Evaluate the ideas by listing their benefits.
  4. Black Hat: Evaluate the ideas by listing their drawbacks.
  5. Red Hat: Get everybody’s gut feelings about the alternatives.

How do 6 thinking Hats work in decision making?

What is the Six Thinking Hats technique?

Why is Edward de Bono famous?

Edward De Bono (1933) is a physician, writer, inventor and consultant. He is the originator of the term lateral thinking and has developed the famous decision making method: the Six Thinking Hats.

What is the 6 thinking Hats technique?

How do you use de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats?

The Six Thinking Hats And How To Use Them

  1. Green Hat:
  2. Use – Think about creative alternatives you haven’t considered yet. What are you missing?
  3. Red Hat:
  4. Use – Check in on what everyone’s instincts are telling them.
  5. Blue Hat:
  6. Use – Wrap-up.
  7. Yellow Hat:
  8. Use – Consider the upside.

What is a good example of lateral thinking?

Here are some examples of lateral thinking based questions: Name an ancient invention still in use in most parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls. Answer: The window. An Australian woman was born in 1948 but only celebrated her 16th birthday quite recently.

Why is lateral thinking a key to innovation?

Lateral thinking is approaching problems from new directions, and it’s an essential component of creativity. It’s a technique you can develop to improve your creative problem solving skills. Being an ‘idea carrier’ is much more about networking and carrying ideas from one place to another.

How do you achieve lateral thinking?

How To Improve Lateral Thinking Skills In eLearning

  1. Identify Limiting Cognitions.
  2. Incorporate Online Group Collaboration Activities.
  3. Use Puzzles To Get The Mental Gears Turning.
  4. Integrate eLearning Simulations And Branching Scenarios.
  5. Develop Mind Maps.
  6. Encourage Online Learners To Adopt A Different Perspective.

How do you develop lateral thinking?

How to improve lateral thinking skills

  1. Be more aware. The first step in improving lateral thinking is to be aware of how the brain processes information.
  2. Open your mind to random stimulation.
  3. Look for alternatives.
  4. Alter your existing process.
  5. Use transitional objects.
  6. Ask random questions.
  7. Challenge your habits.
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