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How do I find the email spool of a user?

How do I find the email spool of a user?

You should find it in either /var/spool/mail/ (the traditional location) or /var/mail (new recommended location). Note that one may be a symbolic link to the other, so it’s best to go to the one that is an actual directory (and not just a link).

Can I delete var spool mail?

You can simply delete the /var/mail/username file to delete all emails for a specific user. Also, emails that are outgoing but have not yet been sent will be stored in /var/spool/mqueue .

What is the VAR spool directory?

Description. The /var/spool/mqueue directory contains temporary files associated with the messages in the mail queue and may contain the log file. For further information, see the syslogd daemon. Temporary files have names that include the mail queue ID (MQID) of the message for which the file was created: Item.

Where is Linux mail stored?

Mail is usually stored in /var/mail on Linux systems.

Where is Unix mail stored?

This mail is typically located in /var/spool/mail/root when the (usual) default sendmail daemon is configured. It contains a RAW e-mail message that can be read by the mail utility. Who sent it can be found by running the mail utility and paging through the messages or reading the RAW headers.

How do I check mail in Unix?

If users has a value, then it allows you send mail to those users….Options for reading mail.

Option Description
-e Check if mail exists. Exit status is 0 if mail exists and 1 if mail does not exist.
-f file Read mail from mailbox called file.
-F names Forward mail to names.
-h Displays messages in a window.

Is it safe to delete var spool?

It’s fine to delete it if you don’t need it.

What is var spool mail?

Files in /var/spool/mail are flat text files that serve as the user’s mailbox. You can just move them out of the way or zero them out, if you are sure that the mails are not needed by the user.

What is spool file?

Spooling is a system function that saves data in a spooled file for later processing or printing. Spooled files work in a way similar to tape files or other device files. Spooled files can help you manage your data targeted for externally attached devices, such as a printer.

What is spool data?

Spooling is a process in which data is temporarily held to be used and executed by a device, program or the system. Data is sent to and stored in memory or other volatile storage until the program or computer requests it for execution. “Spool” is technically an acronym for simultaneous peripheral operations online.

How do I view mail in Linux?

prompt, enter the number of the mail you want to read and press ENTER . Press ENTER to scroll through the message line by line and press q and ENTER to return to the message list. To exit mail , type q at the? prompt and then press ENTER .

Where is the send mail stored?

It depends on how it’s configured, but the usual place is /var/spool/mail , or some distros /var/mail . If it’s in neither of those places, let us know, and we’ll start digging! There are some mails in /var/spool/mail/root but only the local mails (sent from root to root).

How do I open a mail file in Linux?

What is var spool mail in Linux?

Answer. Files in /var/spool/mail are flat text files that serve as the user’s mailbox. You can just move them out of the way or zero them out, if you are sure that the mails are not needed by the user.

What is var spool mail file?

How do I disable var spool mail root?

You can change this in several ways:

  1. Edit /etc/login. conf and remove MAIL=/var/mail/$ from the setenv line.
  2. Create a new login class that just applies to you, or a group of users. Set this for each user by using pw usermod -L .
  3. Create a user-specific ~/. login.

How do I view my email queue?

In the Exchange Toolbox, in the Mail flow tools section, double-click Queue Viewer to open the tool in a new window. In Queue Viewer, select the Messages tab to see the list of messages that are currently queued for delivery in your organization.

What is the use of spool?

In computing, spooling is a specialized form of multi-programming for the purpose of copying data between different devices. In contemporary systems, it is usually used for mediating between a computer application and a slow peripheral, such as a printer.

How do I run a spool file?

In order to execute the Spool, you’ll need to run it as a script (for example, if you are using Oracle SQL Developer, you may press F5 to run the Spool as a script). Your CSV file will then get created at your specified path.

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