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What is the meaning of Pangamba?

What is the meaning of Pangamba?

anxiety; fear; threat
Definition for the Tagalog word pangamba: pangambá [noun] anxiety; fear; threat; apprehension. Root: pangamba.

What is the meaning of Nakakatakot?

frightening; fearsome
Definition for the Tagalog word nakakatakot: nakákatakot. [adjective] frightening; fearsome; freakish; causing fear; scary. Root: takot. Very Frequent.

What is the Tagalog of afraid?

Best translations for the English word afraid in Tagalog: 2.) mangambá – [verb] to feel threatened; to feel fear; to feel anxious more… 3.)

What are words for Scared?

Synonyms & Antonyms of scared

  • affrighted,
  • afraid,
  • aghast,
  • alarmed,
  • fearful,
  • frightened,
  • horrified,
  • horror-struck,

What is Hiyaw?

[noun] scream; yell; shout.

What is Nakakalungkot in English?

Definition for the Tagalog word nakakalungkot: nakákalungkót. [adjective] saddening; sad; causing sadness.

What is the English of Banta?

Definition for the Tagalog word banta: bantâ [noun] threat; suspicion; notion; intention. Root: banta. Very Frequent.

What is the opposite of a pumpkin?

There are no categorical antonyms for this word. However, one could loosely use any edible foods unrelated to the pumpkin as antonyms e.g. strawberries, beef, eggs, fish, etc. Alternatively, pumpkin is also commonly used as a term of endearment for someone who may be small and cute.

What’s a better word for happy?

OTHER WORDS FOR happy 1 joyous, joyful, blithe, cheerful, merry, contented, blissful, satisfied. 4 favorable, propitious; successful, prosperous. 6 appropriate, fitting, opportune, pertinent.

What is Kasuklam Suklam?

kasuklam-suklam: Abhorrent Abject Abominable Despicable Detestable Execrable Heinous Horrific Odious Revolting. Abhorrent : kasuklam-suklam.

What is the meaning of Kabigha Bighani?

kabigha-bighani translated to English TRANSLATION. kabigha-bighani. apprehensiveness.

What is the meaning of Pumpon?

bouquet; bunch
Definition for the Tagalog word pumpon: pumpón. [noun] bouquet; bunch; bundle.

What is the meaning of Pagbabanta?

threat; threatening
[noun] threat; threatening.

What is Sumbong in English?

[noun] complaint; accusation.

What is UYAM Filipino?

uyam noun. taunt, satire, scorn, sarcasm, squib.

What is the English word of Prangka?

[adjective] frank; forthright.

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