What is a transport litter?
The litter is a class of wheelless vehicles, a type of human-powered transport, for the transport of people. Smaller litters may take the form of open chairs or beds carried by two or more carriers, some being enclosed for protection from the elements.
What is the maximum weight for a nato litter?
An extra strap should be included with each litter. The buckles and straps should individually support a weight of not less than 135 kg (300 lbs.)
What is a NATO litter?
The NATO Wheeled Litter Carrier is a light, stable device, equipped with two large non-pneumatic wheels designed for transporting injured persons on rugged terrain.
Why is it called a litter?
The word litter comes from the Old French litiere meaning “bed.” Animals like dogs or cats have their offspring all in one birth, or on the same bed, making what we call a litter, or group of babies.
How many is a litter?
A litter is the live birth of multiple offspring at one time in animals from the same mother and usually from one set of parents, particularly from three to eight offspring. The word is most often used for the offspring of mammals, but can be used for any animal that gives birth to multiple young.
What is an army litter?
Without a doubt one of the most useful tools for combat medics and military personnel involved in the first echelon of medical evacuation was the US Army Litter. A Litter is a Stretcher, carried by two or four bearers, for evacuation of sick and wounded.
Why is a stretcher called a litter?
The word litter is ultimately derived from Latin lectus, meaning “bed.” From lectus also comes the French word lit of the same meaning, which provides the base for litiere, an Old French word that was the name for both a bed and the aforementioned vehicle.
What does litter mean?
1 : the young born to an animal at a single time a litter of pigs. 2 : a messy collection of things scattered about : trash We picked up the litter in our neighborhood. 3 : material used to soak up the urine and feces of animals. 4 : a covered and curtained couch having poles and used for carrying a single passenger.
Why is it called litter?
What do you mean by litter size?
Litter size. (Science: veterinary) The number of offspring produced at one birth by an animal.
How do you carry a litter in the army?
Position the casualty on his back with his arms at his side. Place the litter (standard or improvised) near and parallel to the casualty. Two litter bearers kneel on one knee by the casualty’s side (opposite side from litter). One bearer slips his arms under the casualty’s back and waist.
What is the difference between a stretcher and a litter?
A litter essentially is a stretcher with sides (or just a raised edge) and a removable head/torso cover.
What is called litter?
What is litter made of?
Most “scoopable” litters are made of a highly absorbent clay called sodium bentonite. Most “scoopable” litters are made of a highly absorbent clay called sodium bentonite. For today’s cat owners, cat litter is as much a necessity as cat food.
Do you carry litter head first?
To change direction of movement, such as from feet first to head first, begin in a litter post carry position. The front and back bearers release the litter and the middle bearers rotate the litter and themselves.
Is litter toxic to cats?
Litter is not good for cats to eat, but some litter is more dangerous than others. Clumping litter contains sodium bentonite, and it is especially dangerous for cats. The sodium bentonite can clump inside of their intestines and cause a blockage. In extreme cases, it can even cause bentonite toxicosis when ingested.
What is bentonite litter?
Bentonite is an ideal base for clumping cat litter because of its ability to absorb moisture and liquid (urine). When in contact with liquids, bentonite absorbs 3.5 times its own weight, causing cat litter to form clumps that can be easily scooped up. Voila! An instantly clean toilet for your pet.
How do you lift a litter?
(1) At the preparatory command, Prepare to Lift, each bearer kneels on his knee closest to the litter. He grasps the litter handle with the hand nearest the litter and places his other hand on his raised knee. (2) At the command of execution, LIFT, all bearers rise together keeping the litter level.