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Why do my legs hurt after bariatric surgery?

Why do my legs hurt after bariatric surgery?

Introduction. Gluteal Compartment Syndrome is a rare complication of surgery caused by prolonged pressure over the buttock area, most commonly caused by a prolonged period on an operating table. It presents with pain in the buttock as well as weakness, paraesthesia and numbness in the leg.

Why do my legs hurt after gastric sleeve?

As you lose weight, your bones and joints may not be used to the change in weight. Combine this with potential core strength issues and you have a recipe for temporary joint discomfort. This is especially noticeable around the knees, hips, and lower back.

What are the symptoms of a lap band slip?

Common presenting symptoms of LAGB slippage include abdominal pain, food intolerance, regurgitation, dysphagia, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, early satiety, and nocturnal vomiting [8, 9].

Why do gastric bypass patients need B12?

A vitamin B12 deficiency is defined as a level below 200 pg/mL. Gastric bypass patients don’t fully digest or absorb vitamin B12 from protein foods, which puts them at high risk of deficiency. The amount of stomach acid produced in the new stomach pouch is significantly low.

Is neuropathy a side effect of gastric bypass?

Peripheral neuropathies were observed in 20 (42%), plexopathies in 4 (17%), and myopathy in 1 (4%). Perhaps the most debilitating of the neurological consequences of bariatric surgery are those occurring from vitamin deficiency, particularly vitamins B1 and B12, as these may result in permanent neurological disability.

What pain is normal after gastric sleeve surgery?

Pain is still bearable for most people. Patients often experience the most pain between days 3 and day 6. Pain during days 3 to 6 is common because you are up on your feet more, turning your trunk more, and generally more active than before.

Does weight-loss surgery shorten your life?

In our study, bariatric surgery was associated with lower overall mortality than usual obesity care. In middle-aged patients with severe obesity, life expectancy was approximately 3 years longer among patients who underwent surgery than among those who received usual care.

What happens if you drink soda after gastric bypass?

Many patients find carbonated beverages uncomfortable from the gas they produce, which could also cause some expansion of the stomach pouch. We ask that patients do not risk stretching their pouch and refrain from drinking all carbonated beverages after surgery.

What are the long term effects of lap band surgery?

With long-term use of lap band, some patients may develop esophageal dilation (expansion of tissue), dysmotility (lack of movement) or esophagitis (inflammation). Fluid removal or lap band removal may be required for patients with severe symptoms.

What happens if you don’t take multivitamins after bariatric surgery?

Calcium & Vitamin D This includes our teeth and bones. For bariatric patients, we are already concerned with loss of bone density. Inadequate calcium levels lead to degenerative conditions like osteoporosis as well as increased risk of bone fractures.

What happens if you don’t get enough protein after gastric bypass?

If your diet doesn’t include enough protein, you might notice thinning hair about 6 months to a year after weight loss surgery. That’s because the human body can’t make protein without food – and also has no way to store protein – making it important to consume enough daily.

Can bariatric surgery cause peripheral neuropathy?

Can bariatric surgery damage nerves?

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Patients can develop potentially disabling neurological complications after gastric bypass surgery performed to treat morbid obesity, most likely due to deficiencies in certain nutrients, a new study shows.

Can you drink Diet Coke after lap band surgery?

Carbonated beverages pose another concern that it is wise to avoid. Carbonated drinks can cause stomach discomfort and can enlarge the “pouch” created by the Lap-Band. Soda, beer, and sparkling wine are not a good idea after Lap-Band surgery.

Can I use a straw after gastric sleeve?

Follow fluid guidelines The goal is to drink 64 ounces of liquid each day. Sip fluids slowly. If you drink too quickly, you may develop discomfort in the chest, back and/or shoulder blade area. Do not use straws.

What are the long term effects of Lap-Band surgery?

Even though the lap band surgery is minimally invasive and completely reversible, some of the patients may have difficulties swallowing food, severe nausea and vomiting post-surgery or years after. The lap band surgery can also cause esophageal dilation as well as aspiration in some patients.

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